ExcelCreator is an additional tool that enables you to use PHPSpreadsheet
more easily. ExcelCreator simplifies method calls like $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('A')->setWidth(12)
into $excel->setColumnWidth('A', 12)
You may think it does not really help you, but imagine that you have to write code like you usually use in PHPSpreadsheet many times. If you are a lazy programmer, ExcelCreator is a perfect tool to access commonly-used features in PHPSpreadsheet in a convenient way.
The only thing you need to install ExcelCreator is via Composer with the following options.
If you have existing composer.json
file, add a requirement pointed to "adnzaki/excel-creator": "^1.0"
"require": {
"adnzaki/excel-creator": "^1.0"
And then run composer update
to install it.
Run composer require adnzaki/excel-creator
to install it and automatically creates composer.json
If you prefer get the latest source code of ExcelCreator, simply change the version from ^1.0
to dev-main
, and then run composer update
to switch the source code.
This section will guide you how to transform PHPSpreadsheet original use into ExcelCreator
- Initializing ExcelCreator
require 'vendor/autoload.php'
$excel = new ExcelCreator();
- Call the Xlsx writer
- Call the Xlsx reader
- Saving excel file to client's browser not get more simple
$excel->save('hello world.xlsx'); // save in Excel 2007 format
// or
$excel->save('hello world.xlsx', 'Xls'); // save in Xls format
Note that you have to set Content-Type header before use this method. And also the second parameter should follow the PHPSpreadsheet file type.
- Apply styles into cells
The best way to apply style is using array and pass it as parameter
$dataStyle = [
'font' => [
'name' => 'Arial',
'size' => 10,
'border' => [
'borderStyle' => $excel->border::BORDER_THIN,
'color' => $excel->color::COLOR_BLACK,
$excel->applyStyle($dataStyle, 'A2:D10');
Styles that have been supported in ExcelCreator are Alignment
, Border
, Color
, Fill
and Font
- Fill cells with data
ExcelCreator provides simple way to fill cells with your data/value. ExcelCreator uses method chaining from PHPSpreadsheetSpreadsheet::getActiveSheet()->fromArray($value);
$data = [
['Name', 'Place of birth'],
['Adnan Zaki', 'Jakarta'],
['Dien Azizah', 'Bojonegoro']
$excel->fillCell($data); // fill cell from A1
// or
$excel->fillCell($data, 'A2'); // fill cell from A2
- Wrapping text
Wrapping a cell is get easier
Note: Wrapped text can be overridden if you set style array after wrapText()
defining wrapText in alignment.
- Merge and unmerge cells
Although merging and unmerging cells in PHPSpreadsheet is easy, but we make it more simple.
- Setting column's width
Have you ever get tired of writing$spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('D')->setWidth(12);
just to set column's width? Here is how ExcelCreator makes it easy for you:
$excel->setColumnWidth('D', 12);
// or
$excel->setColumnWidth('D'); // will create auto size
Or if you would like to set some columns with the same size:
$columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
$excel->setMultipleColumnsWidth($columns, 12);
$excel->setMultipleColumnsWidth($columns); // will create auto size for those columns
And if you would like to set default column's width
- Setting row's height
Setting a row's height is much similar like setting column's width
$excel->setRowHeight('5', 20);
Or if you would like to set some rows with the same height:
$excel->setMultipleRowsHeight('1-5', 20);
But now setMultipleRowsHeight()
supports more multiple rows:
$excel->setMultipleRowsHeight(['1' => 40, '2' => 30 '3-6' => 20]);
And if you would like to set default row's height
- Set default font
Setting default font is as easy as follow:
$excel->setDefaultFont('Arial', 12)