This command is must be on ubuntu line. And if you want to bold, use this format bold.
Don't forget to add it before installing. And if you want to italic, use this format italics
sudo apt get
This is how you do a hyperlink: htttp://
This is how you show a program listing or some preformated text:
attrib -s -h /s /d
For using a bullet list, use this format:
- Bullet one
- Bullet two
- Sub bullet 1
- Sub bullet 2
- Sub sub bullet 1
- Sub Sub bullet 2
For using a number list, use this format:
- Number one
#. Number two # Number three # Number four
If you want to create table, use this format:
Gender/Jenis Kelamin | Nama |
Laki-laki | Adityo Dwijananto |
Laki - laki | Adityo |
*Laki-laki* | Adityo |
if you want to have refrence on .rst format here's the hyperlink: