Quizzer is an online quiz making bot which fetches information from Wikipedia and analyses the received information using spaCy and nltk. The accuracy is 70-80 % for questions.
Things you need to install: first get pip for python3 (included env is based on python3.7 so use new env if needed)
Debian/Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install python3-pip
arch : sudo pacman -S python-pip
python3 libraries required: spacy, flask, Wikipedia, hunspell. already included wikipedia as there were issues with originel api. And already included nltk with tokeniser data.
first enter virtual env
source QUIZZER_DIR/.env/bin/activate
install these packages using pip (pip3 for python3):
pip3 install -v spacy (do the same for flask, hunspell)
google if u face some error installing hunspell
download spacy database for english
python3 -m spacy download en
using new environment
rm -rf QUIZZER_DIR/.env
virtualenv .env
source .env/bin/activate
install wikipedia using pip
edit .env/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/wikipedia/wikipedia.py
aroung line no. 646
- query_params.update(self.__title_query_param)
+ if not getattr(self, 'title', None):
+ query_params['pageid'] = self.pageid
+ else:
+ query_params['page'] = self.title
install nltk using pip
got to python cli
import nltk
install spacy (refer to above para)
install hunspell(refer to google for any error)
install flask
Goto cloned directory (cd '/path /to /directory') using terminal
run using python3
python3 server.py
open the output link using any borwser (firefox, chorme etc.)
* [spaCy](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/blob/master/README.rst) - Natural Language Processing
* [NLTK](https://www.nltk.org/) - Natural Language Toolkit
* [Beautiful Soup](https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/) - HTML parser
* [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/) - Web Development Framework
* [Wikipedia](https://github.com/goldsmith/Wikipedia/blob/master/README.rst)- Wikipedia API
* Search the content from Wikipedia.
* Divide into sections.
* Filter the sentences by length and no. of named entities after than pick two random sentences from each section.
* To make question remove the most important keyword and replace it with blank string.
* Use similarity to generate options.
(Go through the code to see how we did it and what criteria we have used to pick two sentences and make question.)
* Aayush Sharma - aayush1771
* Anil Chhipa - adhv45
* Sameer Mansuri- sameer91
* Akash Soni - soniakash1998
* Divyanshu Dhawan - dextroxd