This repo is no longer in use. Development now takes place on
Welcome to the home of the OHS TTAHUB.
HHS | Ad Hoc |
For the latest on our product mission, goals, initiatives, and KPIs, see the Product Planning page.
Warning when using Docker to run either the full app or the backend services, PostgreSQL (5432) and Redis (6379) are both configured to bind to their well-known ports. This will fail if any other instances of those services are already running on your machine.
- Make sure Docker is installed. To check run
docker ps
. - Make sure you have Node 14.18.1 installed.
- Copy
. - Change the
variables to to values found in the "Values for local development" section of the "Development Credentials" document. If you don't have access to this document, please ask in the hs-vendors-ohs-tta channel of the gsa-tts slack channel. - Optionally, set
to your current user's uid:gid. This will cause files created by docker compose to be owned by your user instead of root. - Run
yarn docker:reset
. This builds the frontend and backend, installs dependencies, then runs database migrations and seeders. If this returns errors that the version of nodejs is incorrect, you may have older versions of the containers built. Delete those images and it should rebuild them. - Run
yarn docker:start
to start the application. The frontend will be available onlocalhost:3000
and the backend will run onlocalhost:8080
, API documentation will run onlocalhost:5000
, and minio will run onlocalhost:9000
. - Run
yarn docker:stop
to stop the servers and remove the docker containers.
The frontend proxies requests to paths it doesn't recognize to the backend.
Api documentation uses Redoc to serve documentation files. These files can be found in the docs/openapi
folder. Api documentation should be split into separate files when appropriate to prevent huge hard to grasp yaml files.
You can also run build commands directly on your host (without docker). Make sure you install dependencies when changing execution method. You could see some odd errors if you install dependencies for docker and then run yarn commands directly on the host, especially if you are developing on windows. If you want to use the host yarn commands be sure to run yarn deps:local
before any other yarn commands. Likewise if you want to use docker make sure you run yarn docker:deps
You must also install and run minio locally to use the file upload functionality. Please comment out S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000
and uncomment S3_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9000
in your .env file.
Our CI will fail if code is committed that doesn't pass our linter (eslint). This repository contains a pre-commit hook that runs eslint's built in "fix" command on all staged javascript files so that any autofixable errors will be fixed. The precommit hook, in .gihooks/pre-commit, also contains code to auto-format our terraform files, which you can read more about here.
If you are not using your own custom pre-commit hooks:
start from repo root directory
make the pre-commit file executable chmod 755 .githooks/pre-commit
change your default hooks directory to
. git config core.hooksPath .githooks
If you are already using git hooks, add the .githooks/pre-commit contents to your hooks directory or current pre-commit hook. Remember to make the file executable.
If switching branches for code review, run yarn docker:reset
before running your tests.
Run yarn docker:test
to run all tests for the frontend and backend.
To only run the frontend tests run yarn docker:test frontend
To only run the backend tests run yarn docker:test backend
Migrations and seeding of the test db occurs within the script run by the docker:test
To run eslint run yarn lint:all
or yarn lint:fix:all
to have eslint attempt to fix linting problems.
You may run into some issues running the docker commands on Windows:
- If you run into
Permission Denied
errors see this issue - You can try to speed up execution time on windows with solutions posted to this issue
Docker Command | Description | Host Command | Local only Command |
yarn docker:deps |
Install dependencies for the frontend and backend | yarn deps |
yarn deps:local |
yarn docker:start |
Starts the backend and frontend | yarn start:local |
yarn docker:stop |
Stops the backend and frontend | ||
yarn docker:dbs:start |
Start only the supporting services | ||
yarn docker:dbs:stop |
Stop only the supporting services | ||
yarn docker:test |
Runs tests for the frontend and backend | ||
yarn docker:lint |
Runs the linter for the frontend and backend | ||
yarn docker:db:migrate |
Run migrations in docker containers | yarn db:migrate |
yarn docker:db:migrate:undo |
Undo migrations in docker containers | yarn db:migrate:undo |
yarn docker:db:seed |
Run all seeders located in src/seeders |
yarn db:seed |
yarn docker:db:seed:undo |
Undo all seeders located in src/seeders |
yarn db:seed:undo |
Starts the backend web process | yarn start:web |
yarn server |
Starts the worker process | yarn start:worker |
yarn worker |
Start the frontend | yarn client |
Run tests for only the backend | yarn test |
Run tests for the backend with coverage and output results to xml files | yarn test:ci |
Run yarn test:ci for both the frontend and backend |
yarn test:all |
Run the linter only for the backend | yarn lint |
Run the linter for the the backend with results output to xml files | yarn lint:ci |
Run yarn lint:ci for both the frontend and backend |
yarn lint:all |
Host the open api 3 spec using redoc at localhost:5000 |
yarn docs:serve |
Run cucumber tests | yarn cucumber |
The infrastructure used to run this application can be categorized into two distinct types: ephemeral and persistent.
- Ephemeral infrastructure is all the infrastructure that is recreated each time the application is deployed. Ephemeral infrastructure includes the "application" (as defined in, the EC2 instances that application runs on, and the routes that application utilizes. This infrastructure is defined and deployed to by the CircleCI configuration.
- Persistent infrastructure is all the infrastructure that remains constant and unchanged despite application deployments. Persistent infrastructure includes the database used in each development environment. This infrastructure is defined and instantiated on by the Terraform configuration files. For more about Terraform see terraform/
Linting, unit tests, test coverage analysis, and an accessibility scan are all run automatically on each push to the Ad Hoc fork of HHS/Head-Start-TTADP repo and the HHS/Head-Start-TTADP repo. In the Ad Hoc repository, merges to the main branch are blocked if the CI tests do not pass. The continuous integration pipeline is configured via CircleCi. The bulk of CI configurations can be found in this repo's .circleci/config.yml file. For more information on the security audit and scan tools used in the continuous integration pipeline see ADR 0009.
This application consists of three deployment environments: development/dev, staging, and production/prod. The CD pipeline is configured via CircleCi. The bulk of CD configurations can be found in this repo's .circleci/config.yml file, the application manifest and the environment specific deployment_config variable files.
Commits to specific branches in github repositories start automatic deployments as follows:
- Dev deployed by commit to main branch of Ad Hoc fork of HHS/Head-Start-TTADP repo
- Staging deployed by commit to main branch of HHS/Head-Start-TTADP repo
- Prod deployed by commit to production branch of HHS/Head-Start-TTADP repo
The application is deployed to the following URLs:
Environment | URL |
sandbox | |
dev | |
staging | |
prod | |
Sandbox Environment
An additional deployment environment called "sandbox" is available to developers for testing and development on feature branches prior to making a commit to Ad Hoc's main branch and deploying to "dev". The current .circleci/config.yml assumes deployments to this space are being made from the Ad Hoc repository. Deployments are pushed to the ohstta-sandbox space. To conserve resources, running application instances pushed to this space should be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed. Running application instances can be deleted by logging into, and then selecting and deleting the application.
Secret Management
CircleCI's project-based "environment variables" are used for secret management. These secrets include:
- deployer account username and password. These keys are specific to each organization/space, i.e. each deployment environment, and can be regenerated by developers who have proper permissions at any time.
- HSES authentication middleware secrets passed to the application as
. - The application
. - NewRelic license key, passed to the application as
- The environment specific postgres database URI is automatically available in the relevant application environment (because they share a "space"). The URI is accessible to the application as POSTGRES_URL. Consequently, this secret does not need to be managed by developers.
Adding environment variables to an application
If you need to add a variable that is both public and does not change between environments, simply add it under env:
in manifest.yml. See NODE_ENV
as an example.
If your env variable is secret or the value is dependent on the deployment environment follow these directions.
If secret, add your variable to CircleCI
If the variable value you want to add needs to remain secret, you will need to add it as a project-based "environment variable" in CircleCI. Ad Hoc engineers can use this link to navigate to the Environment Variables page for our forked repository. Add your environment variables here. If you need different values for sandbox and dev make sure to make two variables, one for each environment.
For example, if you needed to add an environment specific secret
variable to your application, you could addSANDBOX_SECRET_FRUIT
with valuestrawberry
with valuedewberry
. -
Add both secret and public variables to manifest.yml
In the application manifest, add your
variable to theenv:
object. If you need another non-secret but environment specific variable, likePUBLIC_VEGGIE
, in your application, add that here.manifest.yml
--- applications: - name: tta-smarthub-((env)) env: SECRET_FRUIT: ((SECRET_FRUIT)) PUBLIC_VEGGIE: ((public_veggie))
If public, add the variable values to your deployment_config files
public_veggie: spinach
public_veggie: dill
You're all done with public env variables! In sandbox,
will be"spinach"
. In dev,process.env.PUBLIC_VEGGIE
will be"dill"
. π -
If secret, pass your variables to the
command in the circleci config.Make two additions here:
- Add the variable under
. Give your variable a description and a type ofenv_var_name
. - Under
, pass your new parameter tocf push
with the--var
flag. You can think ofcf_push
as a function, which uses theparameters
as inputs. Make sure to retain the${}
syntax. This forces CircleCI to interpret yoursecret_fruit
parameter as a project-based environment variable, and make the correct substitution. This will become clearer in the next step.
commands: ... cf_deploy: ... parameters: ... secret_fruit: description: "Name of CircleCI project environment variable that holds the secret fruit" type: env_var_name steps: ... - run: name: Push application with deployment vars command: | cf push --vars-file << parameters.deploy_config_file >> \ --var SECRET_FRUIT=${<< parameters.secret_fruit >>}
- Add the variable under
If secret, in the
job, add the circle ci project environment variable name that you created in step 1 to thecf_deploy
command as a parameter.config/config.yml
jobs: ... deploy: ... when: # sandbox ... steps: - cf_deploy: secret_fruit: SANDBOX_SECRET_FRUIT when: # dev ... steps: - cf_deploy: secret_fruit: DEV_SECRET_FRUIT
You're all done! In sandbox,
will be"strawberry"
. In dev,process.env.SECRET_FRUIT
will be"dewberry"
. π
Read TTAHUB-System-Operations for information on how production may be accessed.
Our project includes four deployed Postgres databases, one to interact with each application environment (sandbox, dev, staging, prod). For instructions on how to create and modify databases instances within the ecosystem see the terraform/
Install Version 7 of the Cloud Foundry CLI tool
- On MacOS:
brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli@7
- On other platforms: Download and install cf. Be sure to get version 7.x
- On MacOS:
Login to account
cf login -a --sso # follow temporary authorization code prompts
Follow prompts to target the desired space
If you haven't used the the cloud foundry plugin cf-service-connect before, install it now
# Example install for macOS cf install-plugin
Connect to your desired database
cf connect-to-service <app_name> <service_instance_name> # Example for sandbox cf connect-to-service tta-smarthub-sandbox ttahub-sandbox
On success, your terminal prompt will change to match the
from the database instance credentials. This indicates you are in an open psql session, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.
Use cf run-task command
cf run-task <app_name> --command "<yarn command>" # Example 1: running data validation script against sandbox cf run-task tta-smarthub-sandbox --command "yarn db:validation" # Example 2: undo most recent database migration cf run-task tta-smarthub-sandbox --command "yarn db:migrate:undo:prod:last"
Check log output, including those from task
cf logs <app_name> --recent # Example 1: checking sandbox logs cf logs tta-smarthub-sandbox --recent # Example 2: checking sandbox logs, grep just for task logs cf logs tta-smarthub-sandbox --recent | grep APP/TASK/
If on prod, enable shh in space first
cf allow-space-ssh ttahub-prod
Ssh into your desired application (to see application names run
cf apps
)cf ssh <app_name> # ssh example for sandbox application cf ssh tta-smarthub-sandbox
Open shell
Run your desired command
# example node ./build/server/tools/dataValidationCLI.js
If on prod, disable ssh in space
cf disallow-space-ssh ttahub-prod
In order to keep the non-production environments as close to production as possible we developed a way to transform a restored version of the production database locally if using local database. The script can be run using the following:
yarn processData:local
The transformed database can then be restored in the non-production environments. For details on how to perform a backup and restore, there is information on the site:
Refreshing data in non-production environments
In order to keep the non-production environments as close to production as possible we developed a way to transform a restored version of the production database locally if using local database. The script can be run using the following:
yarn processData:local
The transformed database can then be restored in the non-production environments. For details on how to perform a backup and restore, there is information on the site:
Using Maintenance Mode
if you need to put the application into maintenance mode, you can run the maintenance script located at bin/maintenance
This script require that you have Cloud Foundry's CLI v7 installed to run.
The script takes two flags
- -m | --maintenance-mode controls whether the script takes the app into maintenance mode or out of it.
- Options are "on" or "off
- -e | --environment controls which environment you are targeting.
- Options are "sandbox", "dev", "staging", and "prod"
# Puts the dev environment into maintenance mode
./bin/maintenance -e dev -m on
If you are not logged into the cf cli, it will ask you for an sso temporary password. You can get a temporary password at