Releases: adamdriscoll/poshprotools
PowerShell Pro Tools - 1.2.0
Import SAPIEN PowerShell Studio Forms into PowerShell Pro Tools.
You can now import PSF files into PowerShell Pro Tools. Right click on the project inside Visual Studio, select Import SAPIEN PowerShell Studio Forms and select the PSF file you would like to import. The PSF file is converted into PS1 scripts that work with PowerShell Pro Tools.
PowerShell Pro Tools - v1.1.0
PowerShell Universal Dashboard - 1.2.2
Issues Resolved
- #197 AppSecret key can be exposed by visiting the dashboard or login endpoint after logging in.
- #189 Not all inputs are cleared when using -ClearInput of New-UDInput
- #188 Jumbling text after input
- #187 [New-UDInputField] Display bug when a default value is set on a textbox
- #184 Fix inconsistency when serializing objects to JSON between Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core
- #179 Default selection does not get sent to server
- #159 Color codes do not seem to work.
Universal Dashboard 1.2.1
New Features
Customizable Inputs
Rather than relying on the param block to auto-generate a set of inputs, you can now create inputs using the New-UDInputField and New-UDInput Content parameter. This provides more control over the input and even allows for new types of input controls.
Supported controls include:
- Textboxes
- Checkboxes
- Select
- Switches
- Textareas
- Radio buttons
Try it out:
New-UDInput -Title "Simple Form" -Id "Form" -Content {
New-UDInputField -Type 'textbox' -Name 'Email' -Placeholder 'Email Address'
New-UDInputField -Type 'checkbox' -Name 'Newsletter' -Placeholder 'Sign up for newsletter'
New-UDInputField -Type 'select' -Name 'FavoriteLanguage' -Placeholder 'Favorite Programming Language' -Values @("PowerShell", "Python", "C#")
New-UDInputField -Type 'radioButtons' -Name 'FavoriteEditor' -Placeholder @("Visual Studio", "Visual Studio Code", "Notepad") -Values @("VS", "VSC", "NP")
New-UDInputField -Type 'password' -Name 'password' -Placeholder 'Password'
New-UDInputField -Type 'textarea' -Name 'notes' -Placeholder 'Additional Notes'
} -Endpoint {
param($Email, $Newsletter, $FavoriteLanguage, $FavoriteEditor, $password, $notes)
Logo in Header
More flair! Add a custom logo to the header with New-UDImage and the NavBarLogo parameter of New-UDDashboard.
Try it out:
New-UDDashboard -Title "Test" -Content {
New-UDLayout -Columns 1 -Content {
} -NavBarLogo (New-UDImage -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Assets\logo1.png" -Height 50 -Width 50)
Footer Customization
Customize the look and feel of the footer. Change the copyright text and add links. Customizing the footer hides license information.
Try it out:
$Footer = New-UDFooter -Copyright "Copyright Ironman Software, LLC 2017" -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "Google" -Url "")
New-UDDashboard -Title "Test" -Content {
} -Footer $Footer
Manage Content-Type Headers
New cmdlets let you now get and set the content-type header of requests and responses. This allows for REST API endpoints to receive and send XML.
Try it out:
New-UDEndpoint -Url "project" -Method "GET" -Endpoint {
Set-UDContentType "application/xml"
"<Project name=`"test`"></Project>"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:10001/api/project -Method GET -ContentType "application/xml"
More options for cards
Cards are the building block of many Material Design sites so having more options is always great! Now you can change the text alignment and size of the body text as well as add a watermark (additional flair) to the background of the card.
Try it out:
New-UDDashboard -Title "Test" -Content {
New-UDCard -Title "Test" -Text "My text`r`nNew Line" -Id "Card" -TextAlignment Center -TextSize Medium -Watermark user
Issues Resolved
- Customize or Remove Footer #135
- Parameter for New-UDInput to populate drop down #173
- Customizable Inputs #174
- Add Logo To Dashboard NavBar #175
- XML Content from the REST API #143
- Support for strings in UDCounter (or similar component) #156
- Request: Parameters for New-UDMonitor for min/max values of y-axis #147
- UDGridData - Becomes empty and stops refreshing #161
- Error Refreshing Grid #166
Universal Dashboard - 1.2.2-beta
Universal Dashboard 1.1.309
Universal Dashboard 1.1.306
Get the newest release from the PowerShell Gallery.
Tons of Chart Options
This release has 18 new cmdlets with about 200 new chart options. You can configure tool tips, legends, the axes and chart-specific datasets.
This allows for many desired scenarios such as non-linear axis, hiding the legend, putting a min\max on the y-Axis, changing fill colors and the behavior of lines.
Check out the different chart options for more details.
- New-UDPolarChartDataset
- New-UDDoughnutChartDataset
- New-UDRadarChartDataset
- New-UDBarChartDataset
- New-UDLineChartDataset
- New-UDChartOptions
- New-UDLogarithmicChartAxis
- New-UDCategoryChartAxis
- New-UDLinearChartAxis
- New-UDPolarChartOptions
- New-UDDoughnutChartOptions
- New-UDBarChartOptions
- New-UDLineChartOptions
- New-UDChartTooltipOptions
- New-UDChartTitleOptions
- New-UDChartLegendLabelOptions
- New-UDChartLegendOptions
- New-UDChartLayoutOptions
Grid Sorting and Filtering
Grid sorting and filtering have made a comeback. Filtering and sorting is handled on the server-side in the Out-UDGridData cmdlet. You can also manage your own sorting, paging and filtering using the $skip, $take, $filterText, $sortColumn and $sortDirection variables in your endpoint for a grid.
Other Issues Resolved
- New-UDGrid fails when a single item is returned #158
- New-UDTable doesn't work with tables with a single item #157
- Error in IE #154
- Searching in grid #153
- Sorting for grid #152
- Request: Parameters for New-UDMonitor for min/max values of y-axis #147
- Multi-line chart without underfill #145
- Non-linear scales on charts #144
- Can't hide legend in Chart #83
Universal Dashboard 1.0.297
New Functionality
Select Control for ValidateSet and Enum Parameters
When adding parameters to a New-UDInput Endpoint scriptblock, enum values and parameters with a ValidateSet attribute will show up as Select controls rather than text boxes.
Labels for New-UDInput parameters
When adding parameters to a New-UDInput Endpoint scriptblock, any parameter that specifies the HelpMessage property of the Parameter attribute, will now show that text as the placeholder on the form rather than the variable name.
Multiple Datasets for New-UDMonitor
Just like New-UDChart, New-UDMonitor now supports multiple datasets. All you need to do is add labels, colors and data for each item in your dataset.
Dynamic Reload of Rows and Columns
Rows and columns can now be defined using Endpoints and have AutoRefresh settings. This will allow you to change the columns in Rows and the components in Columns.
Links in other components
Previously, only UDCard's supported links. Now Charts, Counters, Monitors, Grid and Tables all support links.
Links in Tables and Grids
Cells in tables and grids can now contain links. Return the result of New-UDLink to display a link in a cell.
Issues Resolved
#150 Dynamic reload of Rows and Columns
#140 Multiple Datasets for New-UDMonitor
#138 Exception while trying to start on Ubuntu
#137 Suggestion: Links on Charts
#134 Follow up to issue #121 - Data appears jumbled on page reload
#123 Allow links in columns in New-UDGrid
#115 Add labels to New-UDInput fields
#80 Create hash name for bundle.js to prevent caching of old versions
#75 Support for Select control