Acto web-dispatcher is a small microservice that accepts JSON data and dispatches it to one or more channels, like a modern day, except that it currently doesn't support form data.
The current implementation supports configurable HTTP POSTS
of JSON data. Acto web-dispatcher is written in Java and builds
an executable jar without dependencies (dependencies are copied
to a lib
folder). A ready to go Docker image is available
at Docker hub
Configuration is supplied through en environment variable called
in JSON format. For Slack this could look like this:
"path": {
"apiKey": "ajHWm8Bq89j5qpvkYc9jXFG8XUUxB2qM",
"config": "",
"dispatcher": "Slack"
For Twilio you need to insert your ACCOUNT SID, AUTH TOKEN and FlowSid (from the URL you need to call), seperated by commas. So the ACTO_CONF should look something like this:
"path": {
"apiKey": "3YbHicBWw2dMFPyquu364aNjf8AD7qw",
"config": "YB61ab31f3cda598f0c3a0d8c25bbdd2qb,i42q06162eeeb929f54161we1b976391,Ybc1f6358d03fdac395a41febec191873o",
"dispatcher": "Twilio"
For the slf4j Logger it might look like this:
"path": {
"apiKey": "2J5GCMcBWw2dMFPyquu364aNjf8AD6ss",
"config": "",
"dispatcher": "Log"
For the Smtp dispatcher it might look like this:
"config":",587,[email protected],mypassword,[email protected],[email protected]",
The config contains the comma separated SMTP server, port, username, passsword, an optional "from" mail-address and an optional bcc mail-address that will be set as bcc on all mails. The SMTP dispatcher does not support sending e-Mail without authentication and TLS. If no "from" mail-address is set, the mail will be sent from "username".
To send a Message through SMTP the message payload must look like this:
"to": "[email protected]",
"subject": "Test e-mail",
"body": "This is a test e-mail",
"name": "example.png",
"type": "image/png",
"data": "iVBORw..."
The last 3 parameters describe the attachment, data is base64 encoded. The SMTP sender does not currently support 0 or more than 1 attachment.
Which you can then call with curl like this:
curl -d '{"Hello":"World"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer 2J5GCMcBWw2dMFPyquu364aNjf8AD6ss" -X POST http://localhost:8080/path
Each path is defined by the components.
apiKey - the apiKey that you must send as the
header of your post request You may omit the "Bearer" type if you want, but bear in mind that certain proxies may think it's a defective header and remove it. -
config - the configuration for the given dispatcher. The configuration for the slack dispatcher is simply the webhook URL.
dispatcher - the actual dispatcher to use, currently only "Slack", "Log", "Twilio" and "Smtp" are valid values.
The service by default runs on port 8080. The simplest way to change this (other than in the code), is remapping it in Docker.