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Ubuntu 22.04 (20240516) Image Update

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Ubuntu 24.04 is now available
[Ubuntu, Windows] Docker Compose v1 will be removed from images on July, 9

πŸ–₯️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 22.04

  • OS Version: 22.04.4 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.5.0-1021-azure
  • Image Version: 20240516.1.1
  • Systemd version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12

πŸ“£ What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20240514.2.0) Current (20240516.1.1)
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit bd2b54836) (build from commit 66a252f70)
Tools Git 2.43.2 2.45.1
Kubectl 1.30.0 1.30.1
Pulumi 3.116.0 3.116.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.15.50 2.15.51
Azure CLI (azure-devops) 1.0.0 1.0.1
OpenShift CLI 4.15.12 4.15.13
Vercel CLI 34.1.14 34.2.0
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.207 125.0.6422.60
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.207 125.0.6422.60
Chromium 124.0.6367.0 125.0.6422.0
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.97 124.0.2478.105
Selenium server 4.20.0 4.21.0

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.