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Determine if old OSM data on cycling infrastructure could help with uplift modelling


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Determine if old OSM data on cycling infrastructure could help with uplift modelling

Measure total length of cycling infrastructure in the past

Output: A CSV with LAD, a total length in 2011, and a total length in 2020

Idea 1: Manually


  • At least 100GB disk or so
  • Connection that can reasonably download 40GB
  • npm, mapshaper, osmium

Get a osm.pbf of England as of January 1 2011

Geofabrik has old osm.pbfs, if you click on "raw directory index". But and for Europe only go back to 2014.

From, I found the oldest pbf dump at, which is 112GB. But then thankfully I found and went for a 2013 history dump, only 40GB (15 minutes to download with gigabit fiber)!

From, then we can turn a history dump into a regular dump:

osmium time-filter history_2013-02-05_1701.osm.bz2 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z -o 2011.osm.pbf

That took about 2 hours, and now down to 10 GB. Then we can clip to a bounding box of England (cheers, using the fastest extraction strategy and removing unneeded metadata:

osmium extract -b -6.020508,49.696062,2.329102,55.949200 2011.osm.pbf -o england_2011.pbf -f pbf,add_metadata=false -s simple

That took just 30 seconds, with output just 175 MB. The equivalent extract today is about 1.2 GB, so that's a quick sense of how sparse OSM data was in 2011!

(TODO: Is it faster to clip first, then time-filter?)

Get a osm.pbf of England as of January 1 2020

This is recent enough, so Geofabrik works: No idea what the filename means, but osmium fileinfo -e england-200101.osm.pbf confirms the timestamp of changes in here.

And likewise, 2016 is

Extract cycling infrastructure from it

There's no simple tag for cycling infra in OSM. Ohsome references a thorough query from this paper. osmium can't do a complicated filter, so do it ourselves in JS.

I put england.osm.pbf in a 2011 and 2020 directory and repeated the next steps for both.

cd 2011
osmium tags-filter england.osm.pbf w/highway -o highways.osm.pbf
osmium export highways.osm.pbf --config ../osmium_with_ids.cfg --geometry-type=linestring -f geojsonseq -x print_record_separator=false -o highways.geojson
npm run filter `pwd`/highways.geojson 2> cycleways.geojson
# For convenient use in QGIS, convert to geopackage
# Manually remove the trailing comma after the last feature, making it valid JSON
ogr2ogr -f GPKG cycleways.gpkg cycleways.geojson

Split by LAD boundaries

Download 2011 LAD boundaries as GJ from, and convert it to WGS84:

ogr2ogr lads_2011.geojson -t_srs EPSG:4326 ~/Downloads/Local_Authority_Districts_December_2011_FEB_EW_2022_-7538937248730119669.geojson -sql 'SELECT * FROM "Local_Authority_Districts_December_2011_FEB_EW_2022_-7538937248730119669"'

We want to take the England-wide cycleway GJ file and split it into one file per LAD. First we add the lad11cd property to each LineString using mapshaper:

mapshaper-xl cycleways.geojson -divide ../lads_2011.geojson -o cycleways_grouped.geojson

Then we split into a bunch of files:

mkdir split; cd split; mapshaper-xl -i ../cycleways_grouped.geojson -split lad11cd -o format=geojson
# Leftover out-of-bounds stuff in Scotland
rm -f null.json
# Actually remove everything from Scotland, since it'll only be in the imperfect 2011 clip
rm -fv W*.json

Sum length

Now for each of those split files, we want to sum the length of all the LineStrings inside.

# Back in the main directory
npm run sum 2> cycleway_lengths_by_lad.csv

Idea 2: ohsome

Something like might just work

Validate if old OSM data had enough cycling data mapped in the first place

  • Using Ohsome Quality Analyst?
  • Or checking for a sample of schemes known to have been built between 2011 and 2020


Determine if old OSM data on cycling infrastructure could help with uplift modelling







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