repository for adding tags of BitsOnTheRun videos.
- account at ( small accounts are free (true on 2013/Jan/06)
- filter installed
- filter settings filled with APi-key and Api-secret
- filter activated
You need the moodle_filter_botr plugin to see the videos.
This repository helps to find a video and insert a link like [botr 3hd45rhf]
into the the text.
After the filter has added a player and created a secret timeout-hash you can can see the video.
beta test state,Do not use for productiv sites, do not expect anything
- upload from inside of moodle (with owner-tag)
- get the real tags for search (big)
- find a way to control the capabilities, teachers can edit and delete all public repos (big)
- preview url in filepicker select window (the last window) (big)
- better meta data display in filepicker, more data, better useabillity=click where? (big)
- make install video (medium)
- make use video (small)
- announce in moodle forum (small)
- find a experienced developer for a code review (medium)
- switch to login instead of store key permanent
- add teachers private botr account (medium)
- supports all video quality offered by bitsontherun ( mobil, desktop, HTML5, flash )
- no script or code embedding in the text, just a small tag like [botr 1234abcd]
- compatibillity with any other botr api based application
- use central API-credential together with filter
- instances with pre selecting with tags
- instances with player pre selection
- uses JW-player