This is an implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as specified in the Ethereum's yellow paper.
The modified Merkle Patricia tree (trie) provides a persistent data structure to map between arbitrary-length binary data (byte arrays). It is defined in terms of a mutable data structure to map between 256-bit binary fragments and arbitrary-length binary data. The core of the trie, and its sole requirement in terms of the protocol specification is to provide a single 32-byte value that identifies a given set of key-value pairs.
- Ethereum's yellow paper
The only backing store supported is LevelDB through the levelup
npm install merkle-patricia-tree
var Trie = require('merkle-patricia-tree'),
levelup = require('levelup'),
db = levelup('./testdb'),
trie = new Trie(db);
trie.put('test', 'one', function () {
trie.get('test', function (err, value) {
if(value) console.log(value.toString())
Also see this blog post.
npm test