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Go implementation of sample connector between Acronis Cyber Cloud (ACC) Platform and Service Vendor (ISV) Cloud environment.

Connector polls SYNC API endpoints on ACC Platform to retrieve information about:

  • Tenants
  • Offering items
  • Users
  • Access policies (users-to-role-assignment)

These information will be pushed into ISV server (also referred as external-system throughout this document).

ISV developers can handle these information according to their business requirements by providing implementation of ExternalSystemClient interface, more details about this on Providing implementation of external-system section.

In addition, Connector also pulls licensing usage information from ISV Cloud environment and push them into ACC Platform via Usage API endpoint.


Repository layout

|--accclient                # client code package to call ACC Platform API endpoints for connector-related logic
|--core                     # contains interfaces definition, not needed to be modified for majority of cases.
   |__updater               # contains connector core logic to get information from ACC Platform and push them into ISV environment, not needed to be modified for majority of cases.
|--logs                     # contains logger interface that can be used to implement alternative logger. Default logger is logrus
|--sample-connector         # contains configuration file and main program of connector
   |__external              # package that contains sample implementation of `ExternalSystemClient` to push information to ISV environment. ISV developers should provide their implementation accordingly.
|--tests                    # contains integration tests code
|--external-system          # contains sample implementation of external-system
|--vendor                   # vendor code
|--connector.Dockerfile     # dockerfile for connector service in docker
|   # docker compose override file running unit test in continuous integration environment
|--docker-compose.e2etest.yaml  # docker compose override file for running integration test
|--docker-compose.override.yaml # default docker compose override file, usually used in local dev environment
|--docker-compose.yaml     # base docker compose file to deploy connector, external-system and postgres database in dockers
|__external-system.Dockerfile   # dockerfile for external-system deployment in docker


  • Golang version 1.15+
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


  1. Provide Acronis datacentre URL in baseURL field in connector/sample-connector/config.yaml
  2. Perform manual registration with Acronis cloud to get clientID and clientSecret (Required in .env file or pass in as environment variables. Refer to Starting the applications on how to setup)
  3. An external-system server that will accept data flow (tenants, offering items, users and access policies) from connector. This repo contains a sample implementation of external-system, refer to subsequent section to provide new implementation.

Providing implementation of external-system

  1. Provide implementation of ExternalSystemClient interface defined in connector/core/external.go
    • The interface consists of 5 sections, namely to process tenants, offering items, users, access policies and usages
    • In general, each section should implement application logic to handle when an object is created or modified (upsert operation) and when an object is deleted.
    • For usages, ISV developers should provide implementation on how to retrieve usages from ISV environment. Connector will push these information into ACC Platform.
  2. Connector communicates with external-system via REST API calls. Address of external-system can be provided via externalSystemURL field in connector/sample-connector/config.yaml
  3. Provide the new implementation into Main function located in connector/sample-connector/main.go, specifically, modify the following code section:
// Setup client for external system
extClient := extclient.NewClient(http.DefaultClient, config.ExternalSystemURL)
externalClient := external.NewExternalSystem(extClient)

// Run updater
coreUpdater := updater.NewUpdater(config.UpdaterSettings, externalClient)

Starting the applications

To run the sample applications in one docker setup, run make -B deploy This command will deploy the following 3 docker containers:

  1. sample-connector
  2. external-system
  3. postgres database instance

To run only the sample-connector in docker while running postgres and external-system separately:

  1. Update the host url to postgres and external-system in sample-connector's config file
  2. Create the environment file .env at the project root directory with Make command.
make -B .env
  1. Update the variables accordingly. Example:
# This authentication details are needed to communicate with Acronis Cloud datacentre
# ClientID and ClientSecret should be obtained after registration to Acronis platform

# Database credentials for external system

# Assigned ID for the application for SSO.
# Assigned secret for the application for SSO.

# Secret use in initializing session store.
  1. Build and run sample-connector in docker
docker build -f connector.Dockerfile -t sampleconnector .
docker run -it --rm -d --name sampleconnector sampleconnector ./connector/connector -config ./connector/sample-connector/config.yaml

Stopping the applications

You can stop the running services by executing the following command

make -B stop

Running integration (end-to-end) tests

Important: Only run this integration test on Acronis sandbox DC because it requires creation of test tenant and user. We provide some basic integration test scenarios to verify that connector is able to sync information correctly from ACC Platform to ISV environment.

Prerequisites to run integration tests

  1. Create a Partner account in Acronis cloud which will act as parent tenant of test tenant that will be created by test logic
  2. Ensure the necessary config values for connector in connector/sample-connector/config.yaml and .env have been provided as specified in Prerequisites section
  3. Provide values for integration test config in connector/tests/tools.go:
  • Create an API Key from Partner account created in step 1 and get the clientID and clientSecret values
  • Datacentre URL in dcURL field
  • Provide the type of ISV application in applicationType field
  • Provide the list of ISV offering item names in offeringItemNames field
  • Provide the name of ISV administrator role in roleName field
  • Update value of externalSystemURL in connector/tests/tools.go if the URL of external-system is changed.


  1. Run make -B e2etest
    • This command will run 3 dockers mentioned in Starting the applications section and test stub in another docker container.
    • The test stub will create tenant and user in Acronis cloud and verify they are being synced accordingly into external-system.
    • Subsequently, the test stub will remove these tenant and user from Acronis cloud and verify they are being removed accordingly from external-system.
    • Note that the test code in connector/tests directory need to be adjusted accordingly once new implementation of external-system is provided by ISV developers.
  2. Successful test will output the following lines
=== RUN   TestTenantAndOfferingItems
--- PASS: TestTenantAndOfferingItems (32.97s)
=== RUN   TestUserAndAccessPolicy
--- PASS: TestUserAndAccessPolicy (31.83s)
ok      <truncated_path>/connector/tests    64.804s

Running unit test

Run make -B test

Dependencies Management

This repository is using Go Modules to handle its dependencies ( In summary:

  1. Add new dependency with go get
  2. Run go mod tidy to remove unused dependencies from go.mod and go.sum
  3. Run go mod vendor to add the packages in to vendor folder (and removed unused packages from vendor folder)

© 2003-2022 Acronis International GmbH. This source code is distributed under MIT software license.


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