author | title | date | tags |
James Ackman |
woola |
2017-07-13 09:59:58 -0700 |
markdown, parser, render, file watcher, livereload, pandoc, commonmark, html, pdf, latex, citeproc, word, manuscript, lab notebook, citation, bibliography |
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woola– A friendly beast who builds and serves content for you.
First, ensure you have installed node.js & npm.
Then install into a local project directory:
npm install
Or install globally (may need to sudo)... so the app can be run from anywhere:
npm install -g
If you have project directory (web app/site, personal/lab notebook repo) containing markdown files (e.g. CommonMark format with .md, .mmd, or .txt file extensions) then simply navigate to your project and run woola for a live preview in your browser:
cd path/to/myproject/
Or run woola -b to build a static html site based on the markdown and html files in your directory:
woola -b
For optimal usage, add custom css styles for the included pdf export functionality-- try ackmanlab/libcss for combined screen/print css already configured for use with woola (just clone libcss locally and add a symlink for your current project directory ln -s path/to/libcss/build ./myproject/css
MIT License