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Marcus Ottosson edited this page Jul 28, 2014 · 1 revision

Types in Open Metadata mimic the behaviour of variables in dynamic programming languages, such as Python. When a value is associated with a variable, the type is inferred by the value.

>>> my_int = 5  # This is an int
>>> my_string = "String"  # This is a string

Altering the value would alter the associated type to a variable.

>>> my_int = "String"  # No longer an int
>>> my_string = 5  # No longer a string

In Open Metadata, the same applies.

>>> import openmetadata as om
>>> marcus = om.Location('/home/marcus')
>>> height = om.Entry('height', value=1.87, parent=location)

Here, the entry height is of type float. How can you tell? By looking at the value; which is a float. You can also ask the entry directly, to see whether or not its true.

>>> print height.type

Supported Types

At the time of this writing, the most common types are supported.

  • String
  • Text
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Boolean

What is the difference between String and Text? Physically none, but once interpreted by say a graphical user interface, Text may be associated with a larger editor than String. Other types are supported as well.

  • Flag
  • Class
  • ID

Flag is a value-less entry and is useful in situations where the mere presence of an entry is what matters, not its value.

>>> maya_startup_flag = om.Entry('-hideConsole', parent=maya)

Class and ID are used in cQuery to distinguish resources from one another; they too are valueless.

Collections also have their corresponding type.

  • List
  • Dict

On the radar, we've also got a few more interesting ones.

  • Vector
  • Point
  • Matrix

Head over to the specification for a full list of intended formats.

Working with types

I mentioned earlier that Text and String were the same, so how can you create Text entries?

>>> om.Entry('myText', value="Abra Kadabra", parent=marcus)

I also mentioned that type is inferred by the value, and the value here is clearly of type string. To solve this, we mimic the behaviour of files on disk - we utilise the suffix.

>>> om.Entry('myText.text', value="Abra Kadabra", parent=marcus)

Now we've explicitly identified myText as being of type Text and Open Metadata will write it as such. Alternatively, you may specify type via the flag type. (implemented in version 0.5.7)

>>> om.Entry('myText', value="Abra Kadabra", parent=marcus, type='text')
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