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Installing Sentinel (V1.2) on Windows

Crypto Centric edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

Absolute Sentinel

An all-powerful toolset for Absolute.

Sentinel is an autonomous agent for persisting, processing and automating Absolute V12.1 governance objects and tasks, and for expanded functions in the upcoming Absolute releases.


1. Install Prerequisites

Download the sentinel:

2.Wallet configuration

In your wallet go to tools and then open wallet configuration file.

Add the following if missing :

change someuser/somepass with whatever you want

Save and close.

3.Sentinel Configuration

To make it point to your absolute.conf, you have three options:

A) Create a file sentinel.conf in the same folder as the EXE with the following content:


Start sentinel-win64.exe

B) From a console, execute the EXE by passing arguments sentinel-win64.exe --config=C:\path\to\absolute.conf

C) By creating a shortcut

Right click the sentinel-win64.exe, "Create Shortcut".
Right click the shortcut, Properties
Edit Target and, at the end, add a SPACE and then "--config=C:\path\to\absolute.conf" INCLUDING the quotes "
Double click the shortcut to start sentinel.

4.Run the sentinel.

Execute sentinel. In addition, you can create a windows scheduled task to execute your shortcut every minutes.