Performing Guass elimination using different parallel techniques
The code can be compiled using the following command
mpicc gauss_mpi.c -o gauss_mpi
For running the code
mpirun -np 2 ./gauss_mpi 4 0 1
Arguments are as follows
- Array Dimension
- Random seed
- Number of threads (Can be any value. I didn't change the code for accepting the arguments from the serial program)
The code can be compiled using these commands
cc -pthread -o gauss_pthreads gauss_pthreads.c
For running the code
./gauss_pthreads 2000 0 10
Arguments are as follows
- Array Dimension
- Random seed
- Number of threads
The code can be compiled using these commands
cc -fopenmp -o gauss_openmp gauss_openmp.c
For running the code
./gauss_openmp 2000 0 10
Arguments are as follows
- Array Dimension
- Random seed
- Number of threads