This code here is designed to generate a flatmap visual representation with a image that is registered (transformed) to the Allen CCF.
- Download the required asset from
- flat_map_data_20um_v2.mat
- flat_map_data_10um_v2.mat
- allen_20_anno_16bit.nii
- allen_10_anno_16bit.nii
- 16bit_allen_csv_20200916.csv
- Open RUN_THIS_FILE.m in Matlab. Edit the setting to locate your input image. Run the script. The script will gives you a .nii file as the flatmap.
- Download the media asset from to help your publication illustration
- The image have to be registered to Allen CCF with upright coronal posterial to anterial both nii and tif are okay
- output location
- name here is used as prefix for the final file name output will be nii
- gaussian_preprocessing_pix = 0; no preprocessing
- gaussian_preprocessing_pix = 4; 4 pixel blurring
- projection_math = 'maximum'; maximum
- projection_math = 'average'; average
- layer_specific = 0 meaning all layers together
- layer_specific = 1 meaning you want to plot layer specific map
- Layer_specific_list = {["1" ], ["2", "3", "4" ], ["5" ], ["6" ]}; pick layers
- The brain need to oriented as x(image top to down) = D->V, y(image left to right) = L->R, z(image stack) = P->A.
- The image need to be exact dimetion as the Allen CCF
- The input image can be 10x10x10 um or 20x20x20 um
Matlab 2019a
Free academic use.