Built a model for predicting facial expressions under different lighting conditions
Create a model for predicting facial expressions under different lighting conditions
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Find a good predicting model for facial expressions under different lighting conditions
The data set contains ten images each of fourty people.The image were created under diffrent lighting conditions, and the subjects varied their facial expressions.
The images are grey scale and 92×11 pixels in dimension. While these images are small, a feature vector that encodes the intensity of every pixel will have 10304 dimensions. Training from such high dimensional data could require many samples to avoid over-fitting. Instead, i use PCA to compactly represent the images in terms of a small number of principal components.
Logistic Regression model gives a good accuracy (0.97)
- Python
- Scikit- learn
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Mahotas
- Jupyter Notebook
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