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A JSON API client library for ngrx.

Note: v1.0 of the library is compatible with old releases of @ngrx tools (< 2). The current version (>= 2) is compatible with the latest versions of @ngrx platform (>= 4)


Getting Started

1. Install the library:

npm i ngrx-json-api --save

Install the dependencies:

npm i --save @ngrx/effects @ngrx/store rxjs-compat

Note: rxjs-compat is only needed if you are using rxjs >= 6.0.0

2. Define the resources:

import { ResourceDefinition } from 'ngrx-json-api';

const resourceDefinitions: Array<ResourceDefinition> = [
    { type: 'Article', collectionPath: 'articles' },
    { type: 'Person', collectionPath: 'people' },
    { type: 'Comment', collectionPath: 'comments' },
    { type: 'Blog', collectionPath: 'blogs' }

Note that if the type of a resource matches its collectionPath in the URL, then no resource definition is necessary.

3. Import NgrxJsonApiModule providing the above definitions and the API url.

Make sure StoreModule and HttpClientModule are imported beforehand.

    imports: [
      /* other imports */
      StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, {}), // reducers, initial state
        apiUrl: '',
        resourceDefinitions: resourceDefinitions,
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

4. Inject NgrxJsonApiService into the component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-component',
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private ngrxJsonApiService: NgrxJsonApiService) {}

5. Use the service to interact with the JSON API server and/or state:

For example, to read data from the server and display this data in the view:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from 'ngrx-json-api';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: `{{ queryResults | async | json }}`
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  public queryResult: Observable<QueryResult>;
  constructor(ngrxJsonApiService: NgrxJsonApiService) {  }

  ngOnInit () {
    // a zone represents an independent json-api instance
    const zone = this.ngrxJsonApiService.getZone(NGRX_JSON_API_DEFAULT_ZONE);

    // add query to store to trigger request from server
    const query: Query = {
      queryId: 'myQuery',
      type: 'projects',
      // id: '12' => add to query single item
      params: {
        fields: ['name'],
        include: ['tasks'],
        page: {
          offset: 20,
          limit: 10
        // SortingParam[]
        sorting: [
          { api: 'name', direction: Direction.ASC }
        // FilteringParam[]
        filtering: [
          { path: 'name', operator: 'EQ', value: 'John' }

      query: query,
      fromServer: true // you may also query locally from contents in the store, e.g. new resource

    // select observable to query result holding the loading state and (future) results
    const denormalise = false;

    this.queryResult = this.ngrxJsonApiService.selectManyResults(query.queryId, denormalise);

The service is the main API for using ngrx-json-api. The fetching methods return an Observable with the obtained resources stored in a data property.

Example application

For an example application have a look at It combines ngrx-json-api with Crnk as JSON API server implementation to gain a JSON API end-to-end example. @crnk/angular-ngrx is further used to facilitate binding of Angular forms and tables to JSON API. More information can be found at

Upgrading from v1.0

Upgrade from v1 is really easy; two simple steps:

  1. Remove storeLocation from NgrxJsonApiModule configuration. It's not needed anymore!
  2. Remove NgrxJsonApiReducer from StoreModule configuration.
  3. Import HttpClientModule in the application.


This library wouldn't exist without all the ngrx libraries along with the docs and tools provided with each. Thanks to Ngrx/Store,Effects. Also, the basis of this library is redux-json-api and devour so a huge thanks to the developers of both these JSON API client libs.