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Live Preview

Explore a live preview of the project to see it in action! Click the link below:

Feel free to interact with the features, navigate through the pages, and experience the functionality firsthand. Please note that this live preview is a snapshot of the project's current state and may not reflect the latest changes.

login password role
[email protected] password ADMIN
[email protected] password STUDENT
[email protected] password TEACHER

Getting Started

Follow these steps to start the server in your local :


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd your-project
  3. Install the server dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Install the client dependencies:

    cd client
    npm install

Setup your .env variables

  1. Create the server .env variables :

    Create .env file inside your root folder use .env.example file as a refernce

  2. Create the client .env variables :

    Create .env file inside your client folder use .env.example file as a refernce

Start the Server

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can start the server using the following command:

npm run dev

## Default User Account

1. **User Details**
   - **First Name**: Mark
   - **Last Name**: Test
   - **Email**: [email protected]
   - **Password**: m.test@2024