Git Graph script - a branch oriented representatiion
This is a really first version of this script.
The motivation was this:
You will find here the script which is a simple perl script that you can put in your path.
Personnaly, I've done an alias gg = '/local/bin/ -a -- --date=short'
I provided also the hooks I'm using to directly add the branch name as prefix of my commit comments:
Simply copy these hooks in .git/hooks repository or in a central place and use the hookpath config variable:
hooksPath = /local/githooks
Description: - git graphical branch representation
This small script was written to overcome the often
incomprehensible representation of GIT.
As GIT does not record the evolution of branches, this script
requires some constraints in order to always work properly:
- always refuse fast-forward during merges (--no-ff option)
- do not modify automatic merge comments
Note: during a "pull", fast-forward may be used. In this case,
the different site branches will be considered as one.
It is also possible to help the script (and the user) to find
easily the name of the branches of each commit, it suffices
to precede each commit comment with the name of the branch followed by ":". For example:
git commit -m "MyBranchName: my comment of commit"
It is possible to do this automatically using hooks.
This script supports this "add-on" and can, in this case, be more
reliable, even when fast-forward was used.
Another way to help the script is to add tags on commits for
which branch in unknown. The tag must have the following format:
@BranchName or @BranchName@xxx or @BranchName--xxx or @BranchName__xxx or @BranchName##xxx
where xxx is whatever you want
the branchname is case sensitive
In the output representation:
@ means the first commit of a branch
O means a commit in branch
V means the latest local commit of branch
The characters "-" "+" "|" ">" "<" draw simply arrows.
<= Branchname means the start commit of a branch
=> Branchname means the end commit of a branch
output example with option -r -e:
0377072 | | | V => bugfix1 : Tuning the scale (Arn.. : 2020-02-26)
| | | |
802ee87 | | O<--+ feat1 : Merge branch bugfix1 (Arn.. : 2020-02-26)
| | |
99bf14d O<----+ master : Merge branch feat1 (Arn.. : 2020-02-26)
| | |
29f4e58 | | V => feat1 : add gitignore (Arn.. : 2020-02-27)
| | |
56392cc V<----+ =>*master :*Merge branch feat1 (Arn.. : 2020-02-27)
d56bcdd O utils : add option parser (Arn.. : 2020-03-03)
ff373dd V => utils : change the default output (Arn.. : 2020-03-04)
Usage: [-h] [-e] [-r] [-I] [-a] [-f format] -- [git log options]
--all : include everything, stash and alone commit included
--expand, -e : expand (add one line between each commit)
--delete, -d : allow detection of deleted branches (represent a fictive branch)
--file path : for one file only
--format, -f "format" : git pretty format to use as output
in format, you can use the non standard placeholders:
%Xz for the branch shape
%Xb for the branch
%Xw for the branch optimum width
%XG the full graph + header + branchname with optimum width"
%XB for the branch anchors (<= for starting branch, => for ending branch)
%Xs for the stripped subject (subject without banch name in header)
%Xc "*", mark the current
%C(branch) for the branch color
default format is : "%XG: %C(reset)%h %C(branch)%Xs"
--ignore, -I : ignore all additional branch information
--help, -h : Display this help page
--ignore-comment : ignore information about branch in comment
--ignore-mergecomment : ignore information about branch in merge comment
--ignore-tags : ignore tags additional information
--ignore-Xb : ignore internal branch information
--no-color, -n : no color
--no-remote : don't display remote only branches
--reverse, -r : reverse order (latest commit at the end)
--this : consider only this branch
Examples : -f "%C(blue)%XB %Xb%C(reset) - %Xs (%d)" -f "%XG: %C(reset)%h %C(branch)%Xs %C(reset) (%cn: %ar)" -ef "%h %XG: %Xs%C(reset) (%<(5,trunc)%cn : %ad)" -- --date=short -ef "%h %C(branch)%Xw%Xz%C(branch)%XB %Xs%C(reset) (%<(5,trunc)%cn : %ad)" -- --date=short