Releases: aasenov/ultimate-speaker
Ultimate Speaker version 1.0
UltimateSpeaker beta version
This is the beta version of this application. It contain all desired functionality and is intended for intensive testing.
Future releases will include bugfixes and minor changes. For information how to use the program, please read the ReadMe.txt file.
UltimateSpeaker alpha version
This is the alpha version of this application. It contain only the basic functionality and is intended for internal use only.
To use the application you need to have "ESpeak" ( installed, as this is the only external tool that this application is using. Install it with "en" and "bg" languages.
Afterwards just download the archive, extract it in some directory and execute the UltimateSpeaker.jar file. This will start the administration UI, from where you can start/stop/configure the application. Under UltimateSpeaker directory you can find the User UI, which is simple HTML+JavaScript app, that can be used from any computer. From User UI, you can upload,download and search for specific files.