E-yantra Robotics competition 2016-17 (Explorer Bot Theme)
The package contains the following folder of our concern:
launch :
move_base.launch - This launches the MoveBaseAction Server and loads the world map
rviz_navigation.launch - This Launches Rviz simulator
include folder :
move_base.launch.xml - This launches all the parameter files and the Trajectory planners
Maps :
mars_1.yaml - This parameter file contains the parameters for the world map
Param :
base_local_planner_params - Prameters for Base Local Planners
costmap_common_params - This contains common parameters for local and global costmap
global_costmap_params - parameters for global costmap
local_costmap_params - parameters for local costmap
move_base_params - parameters for MoveBaseAction server
navfn_global_planner_params - global planner parameters
Scripts :
move.py - This contains the whole algorithm for our movement and task implementation
odometry_calc.py - This contains the odometry info to move the robot
Martian.ino - The arduino code for our robot