This API manages unscrambling words into a wordsquare.
GIVEN a number (int) of n
AND characters (string) of length nxn
WHEN sent to the Word Unscramble API
THEN a response should be returned containing a wordsquare of nxn words
IntelliJ is used as the default IDE.
Google Code Style
is used as the default Coding Style.
$ ./gradlew clean api:build
Jib is used for container builds.
Building to your local docker daemon
./gradle api:jibDockerBuild --image=<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>
Building without a docker daemon
./gradle api:jib --image=<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>
By default, this is a console application.
You can also toggle it into a web application by including the following in spring.profiles.include:
- as-web
Openapi is used to help describe and document this RESTful APIs.
You can visit the Swagger-UI generated documentation (while the application is running) to see
information by suffixing the relevant host below with /documentation/word-unscramble-api/ui
Use JUnit5 Jupiter, BDD AssertJ , BDD Mockito, in combination with Spring Test where possible.