Basic functions in R for simple interactions with a CosmosDB REST API using Document-based storage.
More information can be found at Microsoft's website.
I wrote this specifically for a Cosmos DB using the Document DB protocol via the REST API.
First, source the R file to load all functions. Next, you'll need the key to a Cosmos DB. If using all my default parameters, follow the steps below to perform "SELECT * FROM c" from the database
cosmosAuth("KeyGoesHere", "uri", "dbName", "collName")
list.all.documents <- cosmosQuery(content.response = TRUE)
This provides a list named list.all.documents which contains the full contents of all documents retrieved, and only the documents. No metadata about the HTTP response is stored.
As of 10-Jul-2017 the cosmosQuery function accepts basic parameters to target any db and collection in a Cosmos DB to which you have access. No guarantees are made, however, since this feature is new.
You can also create a document, by using the cosmosCreate()
(Note that the partition key value is required by CosmosDB both as value
in argument and as key=value
in the document.)
cosmosAuth("KeyGoesHere", "uri", "dbName", "collName")
sql_doc <- list(
id = "unique-id",
code = "code-1"
data <- cosmosCreate(sql.doc = sql_doc, sql.partitionkey_value = "code-1", content.response = TRUE)
Queries can be constructed and will always SELECT from "c," the full Cosmos DB, at this time. These are built using the constructQuery function.