This image installs an Oracle Database 12c Release 1 Enterprise Edition and sets it up with the following users/passwords:
The response files contain only a minimum set of adjustments and are pretty close to the default settings.
To use this image, the installation files from Oracle, needs to be downloadable. Since those are not public available you have to download it from the download-page and put them on a FTP- or HTTP-Server, so that cURL cann access them from within the installation scripts.
Given the installation files under some url <some-url>/
, the image can be built using:
$ docker build -t <image-name> --build-arg INSTALL_SRC_BASEURL=<some-url>
If you need to authenticate yourself to this user, you can use:
$ docker build -t <image-name> --build-arg INSTALL_SRC_BASEURL=<some-url> --build-arg INSTALL_CREDENTIALS=<username>:<password>
To start the previously build image, simply use:
$ docker run --name <container-name> -p 1521:1521 <image-name>