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byp-cpp (Basic Yaml Parser for C++) is a parser for a simplified dialect of the YAML markup language.

The library is designed to be lightweight and easy to install, manage and use, while providing a reasonably wide and robust range of capabilities for users requiring basic YAML functionalities (parsing of single values, vectors, and tables). High performance is not one of the main goals of the library, unless achievable without compromising simplicity of design and maintainability.

We recommend the very complete and thorough yaml-cpp open source library for additional functionality not included in our YAML dialect.

Dependencies and Setup

The library itself does not have any dependencies beyond the C++ standard library and a C++17-compatible compiler, such as:

  • g++ version 8 or higher
  • clang++ version 16 or higher

The command

$ make [CC=<C++ compiler>] [LIBTYPE=dynamic] build

builds the library in the build/ directory (setting LIBTYPE=dynamic will create a dynamic library; otherwise, a static libbyp-cpp.a file will be generated). The default compiler is g++, and the library has been successfully built and tested with both g++ (13.2.1) and clang++ (16.0.6).

The command

$ make clean

resets the build environment.

When compiling the calling code,

  • Use the -std=c++17 flag when using g++ or clang++.

  • If the generated library is dynamic, either:

    • Compile the calling code with -Wl,-rpath=<path>, where <path> is the absolute path to the file, or

    • Run the calling executable prepended with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path> instruction, where <path> is the same as above.



To parse files, create a (const) byp::parser object, initialized with the path of the file to parse.

  • The constructor will immediately parse the file (throwing a std::invalid_argument exception if invalid/duplicate rows are found).
  • The parsed key-value pairs are stored internally (no further access to the file is performed/required).
  • Use the get<<type>>(<key>) method to extract the value corresponding to a given key (std::invalid_argument is thrown if the key is not present).
#include "byp-cpp/parser.hpp"

const string filename = "example.yml";
byp::parser prs(filename);

// Assuming "example.yml" contains "vi: [1, 2, 3]]"
const vector<int> val = prs.get<vector<int>>("vi");

The parsable types are:

  • Booleans (bool);
  • Several signed integral types (short, int, long, long long);
  • Several unsigned integral types (unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long long);
  • Several floating-point types (float, double, long double);
  • Strings (std::string);
  • 1D vectors, std::vector<T>, where T is one of the types above (except bool).
  • 2D vectors, std::vector<std::vector<T>>, where T is one of the types above (except bool).

The library also gives direct access to the medium-level utility function byp::convert(), which attempts to convert its std::string argument to an instance of the type of choice (throwing std::invalid_argument on failure).

#include "byp-cpp/functions.hpp"

const string str = "[1, 2, 3]";

// val = vector<int>({1, 2, 3})
const vector<int> val = byp::convert<vector<int>>(str);

(the function is also imported by byp-cpp/parser.hpp).


The byp::logger class allows to convert an argument of the types parsed by the library to a string, following the same conventions used in parsing. The class allows to set some formatting options (see the API for a list).

#include "byp-cpp/logger.hpp"

// Now has default C++ stream behavior
byp::logger lgr();

// Sets scientific notation
// Sets precision to 5 digits

// res = "1.12346e+04"
const std::string s1 = lgr.format(11234.5678);

// Resetting

// res = "11234.6"
const std::string s1 = lgr.format(11234.5678);

(the object is also imported by byp-cpp/parser.hpp, see below).


The byp::logger object can be used to write messages within a prefix-postfix context using the print() method.

#include "byp-cpp/logger.hpp"

byp::logger lgr();
lgr.set_context("prefix :: ", " :: postfix");

const vector<int> iv({1, 2, 3});

// Will print "prefix :: [1, 2, 3] :: postfix"

By default the logger will print to std::cout; the set_logfile() method allows to create a new logfile (or append to an existing one) passed by path. If called without arguments, the output stream will be reset to std::cout.

The parser object contains an internal logger, accessed through the lgr() method, which can be set and used to log the parsing of key-value pairs (using the formatting options discussed above).

#include "byp-cpp/parser.hpp"

const string filename = "example.yml";
byp::parser prs(filename);

// Default "" postfix set
prs.lgr().set_context("prs :: ");

// Activating logging (disabled by default)

// If "example.yml" contains the row "dv: [1.0, 2.0]",
// "prs :: dv: [1.00, 2.00]" is printed to "logfile.log"


Tests can be run launching the command

$ make [CC=<C++ compiler>] [LIBTYPE=dynamic] test

The compilation options specified here should match those given when building the library. The default compiler is g++, and the library has been successfully built and tested with both g++ (13.2.1) and clang++ (16.0.6). When successfully completed, the output of this command should have the form

<compilation logs>

Beginning testing

cd build/ ; ./01.test-basic
  <testing logs>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test completed successfully


All tests completed successfully


Building the documentation requires doxygen. The command

$ make docs

re-generates the documentation in html format in the html/ directory, which can be accessed by opening in a web browser the html/index.html page.

The dialect page contains information on the specifications of the YAML dialect parsed by the library.

Additional documentation (e.g., the YAML dialect specifications for the parser) can be consulted on the github wiki.


Basic YAML-like parser for C++







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