this repo is just a personaly wiki for me to keep track of my notes as i learn about things i think are cool. i do not garuntee that everything here is correct, but if you find something you disagree with feel free to write up an issue and add a source as to why you disagree. i will verify the mistake and change it appropriately
i know that everything is lowercase -- this choice is stylistic because i think it looks cool; it's also more efficient as it involves one less keystroke .-.
you also might notice that i love the usage of a good en dash (--) or em dash (---) for emphasis, or just as an alternative way to break up a sentence. i know it might not necessarily be gramatically correct, but this is more of a habit, and like the case is fairly stylistic. i am used to adding these and i have no reason to change the habit now as i quite enjoy how my writing style looks