Deployed Link: Explore Gist App
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Gist App simplifies the management of GitHub gists, providing users with a seamless way to create, edit, view, and delete their gists. Designed for productivity and ease of use, this application is powered by robust technologies on both frontend and backend to ensure smooth operation and security.
- Gist Management: Create, edit, delete, and organize GitHub gists effortlessly.
- Real-Time Sync: Seamlessly integrates with GitHub for real-time updates.
- User-Friendly Interface: Simple, responsive design for a smooth user experience.
Gist App uses GitHub OAuth for secure user authentication. The process includes:
- Redirecting users to GitHub's login page.
- Exchanging authorization codes for secure access tokens.
- Managing authenticated requests to GitHub's API securely.
- Framework: Angular (v19.0.5)
- Styling: SCSS
- Libraries:
- Framework: Express.js
- Authentication: GitHub OAuth
- Libraries:
- OAuth 2.0 protocol ensures that user credentials are never exposed.
- Sensitive data like API keys and client secrets are managed through environment variables.
- Backend endpoints are safeguarded against common vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF).
- No user data is stored by Gist App, ensuring that user data privacy can be as simple as possible.
If you'd like to contribute to this application, feel free to submit a pull request!
If you have any questions, please email me.
Explore more of my work on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
© 2024 Aiden Threadgoode