Introduction into reading and writing data into a firebase database using React.
Create vite application
yarn create vite firebase-react-demo --template react-ts
Create firebase application
Login to Firebase
Create new application (calling it firebase-react-demo)
Add a Web Connection to Firebase (calling it react-web)
- Did not enable web hosting for this project
Enable Realtime Database (for reading and writing to json store)
Enable Storage (for adding files)
Install Firebase into application
yarn add firebase
Configuring the webapp
Setup firebase.service.ts
Add .env file with all variables
Choosing database provider
Disabling reading / writing
rules_version = '2'; service { match /b/{bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow read, write: if request.time <, 6, 8); } } }
{ "rules": { ".read": true, // 2022-6-7 ".write": true, // 2022-6-7 } }
Running the emulator
Before installing the Emulator Suite you will need:
Node.js version 8.0 or higher
Java version 1.8 or higher
choco install oraclejdk
npm i -g firebase-tools
After installation, run the initialize (will setup everything you need to run the emulators)
firebase init
firebase init emulators
Running the emulators
firebase emulators:start