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Florian Zinggeler edited this page Jan 4, 2014 · 12 revisions

Installing UnrealScript IDE

For questions about Sublime Text, please refer to the official site.

Also, I highly recommend watching this video tutorial series

I also recommend installing some other plugins to enhance your overall experience with Sublime Text. Some good ones are presented over here: Essential Sublime Text 2 Plugins and Extensions

If you search for a particular plugin, the best place to search for one is here:

Downloading and Installing UnrealScript IDE

Sublime Text 2/3 does not have Package Control installed by default. To install it, please refer to
After installation, do the following:

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Type "install" (this should select "Package Controll: Install Package"), hit enter
  • Search for "UnrealScriptIDE", hit enter.

UnrealScript IDE is now installed on your pc. Package control will ensure that it always stays up to date. Next thing you need to do is to include your Src folder in your project. This is vital, otherwise the plugin won't work!


  • Go to 'Project' -> 'Add Folder To Project...' -> and select the Src folder (/UDK/UDK-201*-**/Development/Src/) and add it.

Now UnrealScript IDE will always try to give you the best auto-completion suggestions. Having the Src folder in your projects also allows you to use the excellent "Goto anything" feature of Sublime Text 2 to quickly navigate between files. To use it just hit Ctrl + P.

  • If you have a versioning control system installed, such as Perforce, please exclude the following files from version control:
    "\UDK\Development\Src\classes_cache.obj", "\UDK\Binaries\UScriptIDE_Breakpoints.xml", "\UDK\Binaries\Win64\UnrealDebugger.project" and "\UDK\Binaries\Win32\UnrealDebugger.project"
    Note: Not all files will be there when you first use UnrealScript IDE. Just make sure they are excluded once they appear.


If you want to change some Sublime Text settings, use 'Preferences' -> 'Settings - User'. These are the settings I'm using that are relevant for auto-completion:

     "auto_complete_with_fields": true,  //this allows auto-completion inside snippets.
     "auto_complete_triggers":   //this activates auto-completion on '.' and '('
             "characters": ".(",
             "selector": "source.unrealscript"
     "auto_complete_delay": 0,
     "auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true    // I prefer 'tab' to 'enter'


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