PyPwnCollege is an unofficial Python library to interact with the API and website.
pip install pypwncollege
from pwncollege import PWNClient
# Create an API connection
client = PWNClient(email="[email protected]", password="S3cr3tP455w0rd!")
# Print the User associated with the client
The library also comes with a CLI to interact with the API which is a work in progress. It is included in the published pip package and should be available in shell.
Basic usage:
pwncli --help
pwncli login -u test1337 -p test1337
pwncli get --dojos
pwncli challenge -d fundamentals -m program-misuse -c level-1 -f flag{test}
The documentation is available here.
- Logging into the API
- Fetching Dojos, Modules, Challenges
- Starting a Challenge
- Running an ssh command on a challenge
- Submitting flags
- Getting User details
- Getting rankings in dojos and modules
- Getting information about belted users
If you find a bug or want to add a feature, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.