Capstan is a testing automation framework for workloads which managed by helm and running on Kubernetes. By adding a test script for a new workload, you can obtain the performance data of a new workload and the capability data of Kubernetes when running the new workload easily. Capstan can help you to choose your own Kubernetes cluster by comparing the test data of different Kubernetes clusters and know where are the bottlenecks of your Kubernetes cluster for each type of workload.
capstan aims to provide a testing automation framework which has excellent extensibility for workloads which managed by helm and running on Kubernetes:
Start a workload and run test script for each test case sequentially.
Collect the testing results and the performance data of Kubernetes component and Kubernetes cluster.
Analysis and display the testing results.
Generate a testing report and performance report.
Building a new cluster lifecycle management tool(e.g. kubeadm,kops,kubernetes-anywhere).
Building a new data collection and analysis tool(e.g. cadvisor,heapster).
- Go: 1.9.3+
- Helm
In the quickstart, we use the default config to run capstan. You can also specify your own config.
Copy the Kubernetes admin config file to the host path /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
curl -LO$(curl -s
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Here is helm installtion.
After installtion, you should helm init
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
make && make install
# install Docker
apt-get install -y
# install jq. It is used in
apt-get install jq
# configure Prometheus
cat >/etc/capstan/prometheus/prometheus.yml <<EOF
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 10s
- job_name: 'pushgateway'
- targets: ['<Your-HostIP>:9091']
- job_name: 'aliyun'
- targets: ['<Your-Kubernetes in aliyun-MasterIP>:31672','<Your-Kubernetes in aliyun-Node1IP>:31672','<Your-Kubernetes in aliyun-Node2IP>:31672',...]
# deploy
cd $GOPATH/src/
capstan --v=3 --logtostderr --config=/etc/capstan/config --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf &
You can visit <Your-HostIP>:3000
to see Grafana. There is a default user "admin", and its password is "admin".
- Design and Implement the framework of capstan(P0).
- Use Prometheus and Grafana to analysis and display the testing results(P0).
- Add typical workloads and the corresponding test script(P1).
- Implement a online ranking system(P2).