- Make sure you have eslint installed.
- Install the latest @yuzu/yep-eslint-config.
- In your top level package.json add the following under 'scripts':
"lint": "eslint -c ./node_modules/@yuzu/yep-eslint-config/.eslintrc ."
- Call
npm run lint
from the command line to run.
- Enforce boolean attributes notation in JSX
- Curly Spacing
- Indent Props
- No Duplicate Props
- Disallow undeclared variables
- Prevent usage of unknown DOM property
- Prevent extra closing tags for components without children (self-closing-comp)
- Prevent missing parentheses around multiline JSX
- Prevent React to be incorrectly marked as unused
- Prevent variables used in JSX to be incorrectly marked as unused
- Prevent missing React when using JSX