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Data and code for the manuscript: "Multiple horizontal mini-chromosome transfers drive genome evolution of clonal blast fungus lineages"

Table of contents

  1. Complement effector annotations using miniprot
  2. Filter gene models
  3. Merge gene models
  4. Plot genome features
  5. Annotate proteins using InterProScan
  6. Version information

1. Complement effector annotations using miniprot

To complement the effector annotation of BRAKER, we used miniprot and aligned two effector datasets (Petit-Houdenot et al., 2020; Yan et al., 2023) to AG006 and Br62 genomes.

First, we merged two effector datasets into a single file.

cat 178_MO_effectors.fa \
    Moryzae_MG8_XiaYan_secretome.fa > \

Input files:

Output files:

We then aligned the effector dataset to the genomes using miniprot.

miniprot -t 2 \
         -G 3k \
         -P SEC \
         -p 0.3 \
         --outs=0.5 \
         --gff \
         AG006.fa \
         effector_dataset.fa | \
grep -v "##PAF" > AG006.miniprot.gff3

miniprot -t 2 \
         -G 3k \
         -P SEC \
         -p 0.3 \
         --outs=0.5 \
         --gff \
         Br62.fa \
         effector_dataset.fa | \
grep -v "##PAF" > Br62.miniprot.gff3

Input files:

Output files:

2. Filter gene models

We extracted CDS from both BRAKER and miniprot annotations using gffread.

gffread -g AG006.fa -x AG006.cds.fa AG006.gff3
gffread -g AG006.fa -x AG006.miniprot.cds.fa AG006.miniprot.gff3
gffread -g Br62.fa -x Br62.cds.fa Br62.gff3
gffread -g Br62.fa -x Br62.miniprot.cds.fa Br62.miniprot.gff3

*Input files:

Output files:

Using, we added new columns to the GFF files to annotate gene models for QC (quality control).

# Usage:
# <input_GFF3> \
#           <input_CDS_FASTA> \
#           <min_nt_length_check_points> \
#           <repeat_masking_%_check_points> \
#           1> <GFF3_with_qc_annotation_columns> \
#           2> <list_of_annotations> AG006.gff3 \
          AG006.cds.fa \
          150,180,195 \
          10,25,50 \
          1> AG006.braker_qc.gff3 \
          2> AG006.braker_qc.txt Br62.gff3 \
          Br62.cds.fa \
          150,180,195 \
          10,25,50 \
          1> Br62.braker_qc.gff3 \
          2> Br62.braker_qc.txt AG006.miniprot.gff3 \
          AG006.miniprot.cds.fa \
          150,180,195 \
          10,25,50 \
          1> AG006.miniprot_qc.gff3 \
          2> AG006.miniprot_qc.txt Br62.miniprot.gff3 \
          Br62.miniprot.cds.fa \
          150,180,195 \
          10,25,50 \
          1> Br62.miniprot_qc.gff3 \
          2> Br62.miniprot_qc.txt

Input files:

Output files:

We filtered out gene models that lacked complete codons, contained a premature stop codon within the CDS, did not start with a start codon, or were shorter than 150 bases.

grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' AG006.braker_qc.gff3  | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \

grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' AG006.miniprot_qc.gff3  | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \

grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' Br62.braker_qc.gff3  | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \

grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' Br62.miniprot_qc.gff3  | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \

Input files:

Output files:

3. Merge gene models

We merged the BRAKER and miniprot annotations using gffread. We then extracted CDS and protein sequences from merged GFF.

gffread --sort-alpha \
        --force-exons \
        -M \
        -K \
        AG006.braker_qc.filtered.gff3 \
        AG006.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3 > \

gffread --sort-alpha \
        --force-exons \
        -M \
        -K \
        Br62.braker_qc.filtered.gff3 \
        Br62.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3 > \

gffread -x AG006.merged.cds.fa \
        -g AG006.fa \

gffread -x Br62.merged.cds.fa \
        -g Br62.fa \

gffread -y AG006.merged.protein.fa \
        -g AG006.fa \

gffread -y Br62.merged.protein.fa \
        -g Br62.fa \

Input files:

Output files:

4. Plot genome features

To plot the distribution of gene models, we used their middle positions. When a locus had multiple alternative transcripts, we used the middle position of the locus region and regarded them as a single gene. If any of the alternative transcripts was derived from miniprot or predicted to be a putative secreted protein, the locus was considered to code for a putative secreted protein. We used to summarize the information.

Input files:

Output files:

  • AG006.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in AG006. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.
  • Br62.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in Br62. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.

To plot genomic features, we run the scripts in and on Jupyter Notebook.

Input files:

  • AG006.fa: AG006 genome
  • Br62.fa: Br62 genome
  • AG006.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in AG006. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.
  • Br62.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in Br62. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.

Output files:

  • AG006_contig.tsv: Table of AG006 contigs with the following columns: contig_name, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
  • AG006_window.tsv: Table of AG006 genome features with the following columns: contig_name, start, end, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
  • AG006.pdf: Plot of AG006 genome features (100-kbp window)
  • AG006_mChrA.pdf: Plot of AG006 mChrA features (10-kbp window)
  • Br62_contig.tsv: Table of Br62 contigs with the following columns: contig_name, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
  • Br62_window.tsv: Table of Br62 genome features with the following columns: contig_name, start, end, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
  • Br62.pdf: Plot of Br62 genome features (100-kbp window)
  • Br62_mChrA.pdf: Plot of Br62 mChrA features (10-kbp window)

5. Annotate proteins using InterProScan

We annotated the protein sequences using InterProScan. -i AG006.merged.protein.fa \
                -o AG006.merged.protein.interproscan_results.gff3 \
                -f gff3 \
                -t p \
                -cpu 60 \
                -dp \
                --goterms -i Br62.merged.protein.fa \
                -o Br62.merged.protein.interproscan_results.gff3 \
                -f gff3 \
                -t p \
                -cpu 60 \
                -dp \

Input files:

Output files:

6. Version information

Program Version
miniprot v0.13-r248
gffread v0.12.7
interproscan v5.67-99.0
python v3.10.14
biopyhon v1.83
pandas v2.2.1
matplotlib v3.8.3
seaborn v0.13.2
numpy v1.26.4


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