Data and code for the manuscript: "Multiple horizontal mini-chromosome transfers drive genome evolution of clonal blast fungus lineages"
- Complement effector annotations using miniprot
- Filter gene models
- Merge gene models
- Plot genome features
- Annotate proteins using InterProScan
- Version information
To complement the effector annotation of BRAKER, we used miniprot and aligned two effector datasets (Petit-Houdenot et al., 2020; Yan et al., 2023) to AG006 and Br62 genomes.
First, we merged two effector datasets into a single file.
cat 178_MO_effectors.fa \
Moryzae_MG8_XiaYan_secretome.fa > \
Input files:
- 178_MO_effectors.fa: Effector dataset published in Petit-Houdenot et al., 2020
- Moryzae_MG8_XiaYan_secretome.fa: Effector dataset published in Yan et al., 2023
Output files:
- effector_dataset.fa: Merged effector dataset
We then aligned the effector dataset to the genomes using miniprot.
miniprot -t 2 \
-G 3k \
-P SEC \
-p 0.3 \
--outs=0.5 \
--gff \
AG006.fa \
effector_dataset.fa | \
grep -v "##PAF" > AG006.miniprot.gff3
miniprot -t 2 \
-G 3k \
-P SEC \
-p 0.3 \
--outs=0.5 \
--gff \
Br62.fa \
effector_dataset.fa | \
grep -v "##PAF" > Br62.miniprot.gff3
Input files:
- AG006.fa: AG006 genome
- Br62.fa: Br62 genome
- effector_dataset.fa: Merged effector dataset
Output files:
- AG006.miniprot.gff3: miniprot annotation of AG006
- Br62.miniprot.gff3: miniprot annotation of Br62
We extracted CDS from both BRAKER and miniprot annotations using gffread.
gffread -g AG006.fa -x AG006.cds.fa AG006.gff3
gffread -g AG006.fa -x AG006.miniprot.cds.fa AG006.miniprot.gff3
gffread -g Br62.fa -x Br62.cds.fa Br62.gff3
gffread -g Br62.fa -x Br62.miniprot.cds.fa Br62.miniprot.gff3
*Input files:
- AG006.fa: AG006 genome
- Br62.fa: Br62 genome
- AG006.gff3: BRAKER annotation of AG006
- Br62.gff3: BRAKER annotation of Br62
- AG006.miniprot.gff3: miniprot annotation of AG006
- Br62.miniprot.gff3: miniprot annotation of Br62
Output files:
- AG006.cds.fa: CDS extracted from BRAKER annotation of AG006
- Br62.cds.fa: CDS extracted from BRAKER annotation of Br62
- AG006.miniprot.cds.fa: CDS extracted from miniprot annotation of AG006
- Br62.miniprot.cds.fa: CDS extracted from miniprot annotation of Br62
Using, we added new columns to the GFF files to annotate gene models for QC (quality control).
# Usage:
# <input_GFF3> \
# <input_CDS_FASTA> \
# <min_nt_length_check_points> \
# <repeat_masking_%_check_points> \
# 1> <GFF3_with_qc_annotation_columns> \
# 2> <list_of_annotations> AG006.gff3 \
AG006.cds.fa \
150,180,195 \
10,25,50 \
1> AG006.braker_qc.gff3 \
2> AG006.braker_qc.txt Br62.gff3 \
Br62.cds.fa \
150,180,195 \
10,25,50 \
1> Br62.braker_qc.gff3 \
2> Br62.braker_qc.txt AG006.miniprot.gff3 \
AG006.miniprot.cds.fa \
150,180,195 \
10,25,50 \
1> AG006.miniprot_qc.gff3 \
2> AG006.miniprot_qc.txt Br62.miniprot.gff3 \
Br62.miniprot.cds.fa \
150,180,195 \
10,25,50 \
1> Br62.miniprot_qc.gff3 \
2> Br62.miniprot_qc.txt
Input files:
- AG006.gff3: BRAKER annotation of AG006
- AG006.cds.fa: CDS extracted from BRAKER annotation of AG006
- Br62.gff3: BRAKER annotation of Br62
- Br62.cds.fa: CDS extracted from BRAKER annotation of Br62
- AG006.miniprot.gff3: miniprot annotation of AG006
- AG006.miniprot.cds.fa: CDS extracted from miniprot annotation of AG006
- Br62.miniprot.gff3: miniprot annotation of Br62
- Br62.miniprot.cds.fa: CDS extracted from miniprot annotation of Br62
Output files:
- AG006.braker_qc.gff3: BRAKER annotation of AG006 with QC annotations
- AG006.braker_qc.txt: List of QC annotations for AG006 BRAKER annotation
- Br62.braker_qc.gff3: BRAKER annotation of Br62 with QC annotations
- Br62.braker_qc.txt: List of QC annotations for Br62 BRAKER annotation
- AG006.miniprot_qc.gff3: miniprot annotation of AG006 with QC annotations
- AG006.miniprot_qc.txt: List of QC annotations for AG006 miniprot annotation
- Br62.miniprot_qc.gff3: miniprot annotation of Br62 with QC annotations
- Br62.miniprot_qc.txt: List of QC annotations for Br62 miniprot annotation
We filtered out gene models that lacked complete codons, contained a premature stop codon within the CDS, did not start with a start codon, or were shorter than 150 bases.
grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' AG006.braker_qc.gff3 | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \
grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' AG006.miniprot_qc.gff3 | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \
grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' Br62.braker_qc.gff3 | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \
grep -v 'not_multiple_of_3' Br62.miniprot_qc.gff3 | \
grep -v 'stop_codon_in_cds' | \
grep -v 'no_start_codon' | \
grep -v 'shorter_than_150nt' | \
cut -f 1-9 > \
Input files:
- AG006.braker_qc.gff3: BRAKER annotation of AG006 with QC annotations
- Br62.braker_qc.gff3: BRAKER annotation of Br62 with QC annotations
- AG006.miniprot_qc.gff3: miniprot annotation of AG006 with QC annotations
- Br62.miniprot_qc.gff3: miniprot annotation of Br62 with QC annotations
Output files:
- AG006.braker_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered BRAKER annotation of AG006
- AG006.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered miniprot annotation of AG006
- Br62.braker_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered BRAKER annotation of Br62
- Br62.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered miniprot annotation of Br62
We merged the BRAKER and miniprot annotations using gffread. We then extracted CDS and protein sequences from merged GFF.
gffread --sort-alpha \
--force-exons \
-M \
-K \
AG006.braker_qc.filtered.gff3 \
AG006.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3 > \
gffread --sort-alpha \
--force-exons \
-M \
-K \
Br62.braker_qc.filtered.gff3 \
Br62.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3 > \
gffread -x AG006.merged.cds.fa \
-g AG006.fa \
gffread -x Br62.merged.cds.fa \
-g Br62.fa \
gffread -y AG006.merged.protein.fa \
-g AG006.fa \
gffread -y Br62.merged.protein.fa \
-g Br62.fa \
Input files:
- AG006.braker_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered BRAKER annotation of AG006
- AG006.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered miniprot annotation of AG006
- Br62.braker_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered BRAKER annotation of Br62
- Br62.miniprot_qc.filtered.gff3: Filtered miniprot annotation of Br62
Output files:
- AG006.merged.gff3: Merged annotation of AG006
- Br62.merged.gff3: Merged annotation of Br62
- AG006.merged.cds.fa: CDS extracted from merged annotation of AG006
- Br62.merged.cds.fa: CDS extracted from merged annotation of Br62
- AG006.merged.protein.fa: Protein sequences extracted from merged annotation of AG006
- Br62.merged.protein.fa: Protein sequences extracted from merged annotation of Br62
To plot the distribution of gene models, we used their middle positions. When a locus had multiple alternative transcripts, we used the middle position of the locus region and regarded them as a single gene. If any of the alternative transcripts was derived from miniprot or predicted to be a putative secreted protein, the locus was considered to code for a putative secreted protein. We used to summarize the information.
Input files:
- AG006.merged.gff3: Merged annotation of AG006
- Putative secreted proteins extracted from the BRAKER annotation AG006.gff3
- Br62.merged.gff3: Merged annotation of Br62
- Putative secreted proteins extracted from BRAKER annotation Br62.gff3
Output files:
- AG006.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in AG006. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.
- Br62.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in Br62. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.
To plot genomic features, we run the scripts in and on Jupyter Notebook.
Input files:
- AG006.fa: AG006 genome
- Br62.fa: Br62 genome
- AG006.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in AG006. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.
- Br62.genes.tsv: Table of gene models in Br62. Each row represents a gene model with the following columns: contig_name, position, secreted_or_not, transcript_ids.
Output files:
- AG006_contig.tsv: Table of AG006 contigs with the following columns: contig_name, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
- AG006_window.tsv: Table of AG006 genome features with the following columns: contig_name, start, end, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
- AG006.pdf: Plot of AG006 genome features (100-kbp window)
- AG006_mChrA.pdf: Plot of AG006 mChrA features (10-kbp window)
- Br62_contig.tsv: Table of Br62 contigs with the following columns: contig_name, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
- Br62_window.tsv: Table of Br62 genome features with the following columns: contig_name, start, end, N_genes, N_secreted_proteins, repeat_%, GC_%.
- Br62.pdf: Plot of Br62 genome features (100-kbp window)
- Br62_mChrA.pdf: Plot of Br62 mChrA features (10-kbp window)
We annotated the protein sequences using InterProScan. -i AG006.merged.protein.fa \
-o AG006.merged.protein.interproscan_results.gff3 \
-f gff3 \
-t p \
-cpu 60 \
-dp \
--goterms -i Br62.merged.protein.fa \
-o Br62.merged.protein.interproscan_results.gff3 \
-f gff3 \
-t p \
-cpu 60 \
-dp \
Input files:
- AG006.merged.protein.fa: Protein sequences extracted from merged annotation of AG006
- Br62.merged.protein.fa: Protein sequences extracted from merged annotation of Br62
Output files:
- AG006.merged.protein.interproscan_results.gff3: InterProScan results of AG006 protein sequences
- Br62.merged.protein.interproscan_results.gff3: InterProScan results of Br62 protein sequences
Program | Version |
miniprot | v0.13-r248 |
gffread | v0.12.7 |
interproscan | v5.67-99.0 |
python | v3.10.14 |
biopyhon | v1.83 |
pandas | v2.2.1 |
matplotlib | v3.8.3 |
seaborn | v0.13.2 |
numpy | v1.26.4 |