Errbit is an open source, self-hosted error catcher. It is Hoptoad API compliant so you can just point the Hoptoad notifier at your Errbit server if you are already using Hoptoad.
Errbit may be a good fit for you if:
- Your exceptions may contain sensitive data that you don't want sitting on someone else's server
- Your application is behind a firewall
- You'd like to brand your error catcher
- You want to add customer features to your error catcher
- You're crazy and love managing servers
If this doesn't sound like you, you should probably stick with Hoptoad. The Thoughtbot guys offer great support for it and it is much more worry-free. They have a free package and even offer a "Hoptoad behind your firewall" solution.
Note: This app is intended for people with experience deploying and maintining Rails applications. If you're uncomfortable with any step below then Errbit is not for you. Checkout Hoptoad from the guys over at Thoughtbot, which Errbit is based on.
Set your local box or server(Ubuntu):
Install MongoDB. Follow the directions here, then:
aptitude update aptitude install mongodb
Install libxml
apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
Install Bundler
gem install bundler
Running Locally:
Bootstrap Errbit. This will copy over config.yml and also seed the database.
rake errbit:bootstrap
Update the config.yml and mongoid.yml files with information about your environment
Install dependencies
bundle install
Start Server
script/rails server
Bootstrap Errbit. This will copy over config.yml and also seed the database.
rake errbit:bootstrap
Update the deploy.rb file with information about your server
Setup server and deploy
cap deploy:setup deploy
Deploying to Heroku:
Clone the repository
git clone
Create & configure for Heroku
gem install heroku heroku create heroku addons:add mongohq:free heroku addons:add sendgrid:free heroku config:add HEROKU=true heroku config:add heroku config:add [email protected] git push heroku master
Seed the DB (NOTE: No bootstrap task is used on Heroku!)
heroku rake db:seed
Note: If upgrading from a version of Errbit that used Notices embedded in Errs please run:
1. git pull origin master ( assuming origin is the repo )
2. rake db:migrate
- Account is the name of your subdomain, i.e. litcafe for project at
- Errbit uses token-based authentication. Get your API Token or visit to learn how to get it.
- Project id is number identifier of your project, i.e. 73466 for project at
- Account is the host of your redmine installation, i.e.
- Errbit uses token-based authentication. Get your API Key or visit to learn how to get it.
- Project id is an identifier of your project, i.e. chilliproject for project at
- Errbit uses token-based authentication. Get your API Key or visit to learn how to get it.
- Project id is an identifier of your project, i.e. 24324 for project at
- Add ability for watchers to be configured for types of notifications they should receive
- Michael Parenteau - For rocking the Errbit design and providing a great user experience.
- Nick Recobra aka oruen - Nick is Errbit's first core contributor. He's been working hard at making Errbit more awesome.
- Relevance - For giving me Open-source Fridays to work on Errbit and all my awesome co-workers for giving feedback and inspiration.
- Thoughtbot - For being great open-source advocates and setting the bar with Hoptoad.
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2010 Jared Pace. See LICENSE for details.