Webclient of the YouPers eWorkLife service
- Installed local mongoDb: http://www.mongodb.org/downloads
- Installed nodejs und npm: http://nodejs.org/
- Installed grunt cli: npm install -g grunt-cli
git clone https://github.com/YouPers/yp-ewl-webclient.git
cd yp-ewl-webclient
npm install // installs all needed software for build system (defined in package.json) and downloads all used js-libraries (bower.json)
Build commands:
tests, compiles and builds the distribution version of the whole project, is used by CI is executing "grunt jshint", "grunt test", and "grunt build"
grunt server
does all needed css compilation and starts a development server and opens default browser. all REST calls go to localhost:8000, so start your local backend before using this task. Watches all files, recompiles and reloads browser when changes occur
grunt server:dist
builds the distribution version of the project, starts a local server and opens a browser to test the distribution Version.
grunt build
builds the distribution version, without tests
grunt imageopt
if you want to add new images into the project you can use the folder imagesources/tooptimize. Place your source
images in there, then run grunt imageopt
. The images will be optimized (compressed) and automatically copied into
the app/assets folder. The use git add
to add them to the repo
Just as a hint, so we don't forget how we made this running on heroku.
We are currently not checking our dist files into the repository, they are built using grunt
. So when
we deploy to heroku, heroku needs to build our project. This is something heroku does not do in its default
configuration, it expects to get the final dist files. The following heroku configuration enables heroku to build
our project before running it.
tips from here https://github.com/mbuchetics/heroku-buildpack-nodejs-grunt
Create a new app with this buildpack:
heroku create myapp --buildpack https://github.com/mbuchetics/heroku-buildpack-nodejs-grunt.git
or add this buildpack to your current app:
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/mbuchetics/heroku-buildpack-nodejs-grunt.git
Add the sneaky option to enable config vars during compile:
heroku labs:enable user-env-compile -a myapp
Set the NODE_ENV environment variable (e.g. development or production):
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
Create your Node.js app and add a Gruntfile named Gruntfile.js (or Gruntfile.coffee if you want to use CoffeeScript, or grunt.js if you are using Grunt 0.3) with a heroku task:
grunt.registerTask('heroku:development', 'clean less mincss');
grunt.registerTask('heroku:production', 'clean less mincss uglify');
Don't forget to add grunt to your dependencies in package.json. If your grunt tasks depend on other pre-defined tasks make sure to add these dependencies as well:
"dependencies": {
"grunt": "*",
"grunt-contrib": "*",
"less": "*"