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2. Installation

Vishal Rao edited this page Dec 11, 2021 · 11 revisions

Installing Client

Installation requires a few things

  • Certificate.
  • .appxbundle file (xxxxxxxx.appxbundle).
  • and a server application (

Download the above files from here.

Note that since you can install any software from a trusted publisher only, you need to add this certificate to your "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" folder.

Once you have the required files downloaded, follow the below steps:-

  1. Open the certificate file by double-clicking on it. If you open it for the first time you may see something like the following. Click on "Install Certificate". Note that the filename may vary for you based on the release.
  1. Choose "Local Machine". Then click on "Next".
  1. Choose "Place all certificates in the following store" and click on "Browse". Then select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" folder and click on "Ok". Then "Next".
  1. Click on "Finish".
  1. Now when you open the certificate you should see something like below.

Now you can simply install the application by double-clicking on the ".appxbundle" file.

Alternatively, you can run the command Add-AppxPackage -Path "PATH_TO_.appxbundle_File".

Installing and Running Server

  1. Unzip the "server" application. Go inside the "Publish" folder.
  2. Open any terminal and run the Server executable or Server.dll.

./Server or dotnet Server.dll

You may need to set the permission to execute "Server". Run chmod +x Server to give execution permission.

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