- State design pattern
State design pattern is used in the GameEngine class in the GameState package. Divide GameEngine into playState and debugState. move() and debug() methods are controlled by different state. Reduce if else statements.
- Factory design pattern
Factory design pattern is used in the Dialog package. DialogFactory class is instantiate in GameController class to generate different type dialogs. Reduce code duplication and become more maintainable.
- Singleton design pattern
Singleton design pattern is used in the Music package. Include two BGMs, interface sound effects and game sound effects. All those classes are called play/stop by Controller classes. Game music effects are used in move(). Improve the efficiency of the game, without having to load music resources every time.
- MVC design pattern
MVC design patterns are implemented in the project. For example, game.fxml is the view, GameEngine class is the model and GameConroller class is the controller that modify the data in the model and updates the view. Here are two MVC examples in the game. Make the structure of game simpler, enable code reuse.
- Code and view are separated
The code and views of all the JavaFX scenes in the game are separated clearly. Use css to improve the UI design.
- “SOLID” Design Principles are considered during coding.
- Extract Method From A Larger Block of Code
- Simplifying Methods
- Replace Temporary with Query
- Replace Parameter with Explicit Method
- etc.
Maven is used in the project. Make it easy to download dependencies when other developers start work on the code.
The .jar file built by Maven. Run successfully in IDEA.
All the errors in the source code are fixed, including save(), load(), toggle music(), etc. They have been fixed and refined according to my design requirements. These method are all in the GameController class. This is a part of "Corrective Maintenance".
There are 14 new features in the game.
First scene of the game. Players can enjoy animation and music until they click the screen to enter the Menu scene.
Menu scene of the game, user can click one of the buttons to enter another scene.
Player can have three different archives in this game. If the slot is empty, player can create new archive, set the nickname. The player’s game progress is also displayed. e.g. 4/8 Level is in 4th level. Click the non-empty slot, continue to play the game! Click the "ERASE SLOT" to the erase screen.
Click a slot button to erase the corresponding archive. If the slot is not empty, player needs to do a confirmation; otherwise, there is a warning dialog.
Player can turn on/off the sound effects(keeper walk/impact crate/impact wall) in the game and change the crate skin to different color.
Show the operation guide.
Show the ranking, including the player's nickname, total move count and move count for each level. When mouse enter the label, the size will change.
Add the Level_Move in the upper left corner. Add options that can return to menu and go to select level scene (Save the game automatically if do those operations). User need to confirm the reset operation. Toggle music can turn on/off the BGM. Refine the game GUI.
Add game sound effects, including walk, impact crates, impact walls. The game sound effects can turn on/off in the setting scene.
All the button and interface element are bind with corresponding sound to make more user-friendly.
When in the game scene, press ESC in the keyboard, player can pause the game. When the game is paused, press ESC again to resume the game or press F1 save the game and return to menu.
Design three new levels to the game.
The player can return to the previous level, but the state will remain in the state of level_completed. If the player wants to replay a certain level, he needs to perform a reset level operation. But this means giving up the previous results, and will change the highest level of the archive (for example, from the eighth level back to the fourth level, he cannot return to the eighth level after reset, but the completion status of levels 5, 6, and 7 will not be affected).
Go back to level 4.
Reset and select level. Cannot select levels after level 4.
Play the concise tutorial video of the game. (The video added in the game now is very rough.)
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, the debug status of gameEngine. | gameEngine.isDebugActive() | false | false | P | The default debug status is false |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | UP case | direction of gameEngine | 1 | 1 | P | The direction changed successfully |
2 | 12/2 | RIGHT case | direction of gameEngine | 2 | 2 | P | The direction changed successfully |
3 | 12/2 | DOWN case | direction of gameEngine | 3 | 3 | P | The direction changed successfully |
4 | 12/2 | LEFT case | direction of gameEngine | 4 | 4 | P | The direction changed successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, the isGameComplete status of gameEngine. | gameEngine.isGameComplete() | false | false | P | The default isGameComplete status is false |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, the next level's index. | gameEngine.getNextLevel().getIndex() | 2 | 2 | P | Next level's index is 2 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, the current level's index. | gameEngine.getCurrentLevel().getIndex() | 1 | 1 | P | The current level's index is 1 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, and then toggle the debug. | gameEngine.isDebugActive() | true | true | P | The debug status after toggle debug is true |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, return the levels of gameEngine object, and test its size | gameEngine.getLevels().size() | 8 | 8 | P | The size of levels is 8 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, the total move count of levels | gameEngine.movesCount() | 0 | 0 | P | The total move count of levels is 0 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, return the int array of level move | gameEngine.getLevelMove() | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] | P | The initial level move array is [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, set the SoundEffect of gameEngine object to false | gameEngine.isSoundEffect() | false | flase | P | setSoundEffect() run successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, set the state to debugState | gameEngine.state | gameEngine.getPlayState() | playState | P | after set the state as playState, the state of gameEngine object is playState |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, return the playState of the gameEngine object | gameEngine.state | gameEngine.getPlayState() | playState | P | The playState of gameEngine is equal to gameEngine's state |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, set the return the state to debugState | gameEngine.state | gameEngine.getDebugState() | debugState | P | The debugState of ameEngine is equal to gameEngine's state after setState to debug |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, set the debug status to true | GameEngine.isDebugActive() | true | true | P | Set the debug status to true successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, return the SoundEffect of gameEngine object | GameEngine.isSoundEffect() | true | true | P | The original status of SoundEffect is true |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, set the current level to level[1], get the currentlevel's level index | gameEngine.getCurrentLevel().getIndex() | 2 | 2 | P | Successfully set the current level from level 1 to level 2 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, return the SavedLevel value of the gameEngine object | gameEngine.getSavedLevel() | 1 | 1 | P | The saved level value of the gameEngine is 1 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | When instantiate a new gameEngine, set the saved level value to 4 | gameEngine.getSavedLevel() | 4 | 4 | P | Set saved level value to 4, then the saved level gotten from gameEngine is 4 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | Get the level move count of level 1 | level.getMove() | 0 | 0 | P | The original level move count is 0 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | set the level move to 50, and get the level move to check whether set successfully | level.getMove() | 50 | 50 | P | Set level move successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | set the keeperPosition of the level to (1,2), then get the level keeperPosition to check whether set successfully | level.getKeeperPosition() | (1,2) | (1,2) | P | Set level keeperPosition successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | Check whether the level is complete or not | level.isComplete() | false | false | P | The original level's isComplete value is false |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | Return the level name of level 1 | level.getName() | "lEVEL 1" | "lEVEL 1" | P | Get the level 1 name successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | Return the level1's level index | level.getIndex() | 1 | 1 | P | Get the level 1 index successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | Return the level1's keeperPosition | level.getKeeperPosition() | (18,10) | (18,10) | P | Get the level 1 keeperPosition successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/2 | Check the current keeper position move (1,0) is "W" gameObject | level.getTargetObject(level.getKeeperPosition(), new Point(1, 0)).getStringSymbol() | "W" | "W" | P | Get target gameObject is "W" |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | Translate the keeper position point by (1, 0) and test the new point position. | GameGrid.translatePoint(level.getKeeperPosition(), new Point(1, 0)) | Point(19, 10) | Point(19, 10) | P | Keeper position is translated successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | Use the level 1 objectsGrid to do the test, get the map size | objectsGrid.getDimension() | Dimension(20, 20) | Dimension(20, 20) | P | The dimension of the map is 20*20 |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | Move the keeper position by (1, 0), and check whether the target position's game object is "W" | objectsGrid.getTargetFromSource(level.getKeeperPosition(), new Point(1, 0)) | "W" | "W" | P | Successfully get the target position's game object type. |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | Return the game object at (18, 10) using col and row value | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(18, 10) | "S" | "S" | P | The game object at (18, 10) is keeper. |
2 | 12/3 | Return the game object at (19, 10) using col and row value | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(19, 10) | "W" | "W" | P | The game object at (19, 10) is wall. |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | Return the game object at (18, 10) using Point | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(new Point(18, 10)) | "S" | "S" | P | The game object at (18, 10) is keeper. |
2 | 12/3 | Return the game object at (19, 10) using Point | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(new Point(19, 10)) | "W" | "W" | P | The game object at (19, 10) is wall. |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | Remove the game object at Point (19, 10) | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(19, 10) | null | null | P | The game object at (19, 10) is removed successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | put null to Point (2, 10) using col and row as parameter | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(2, 10) | null | null | P | The game object at (2, 10) is null after the method called |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | put null to Point (2, 10) using Point as parameter | objectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(2, 10) | null | null | P | The game object at (2, 10) is null after the method called |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | new a object use char 'c' | GameObject.fromChar('c').getStringSymbol() | "C" | "C" | P | A CRATE game object generated |
2 | 12/3 | new a object use char 's' | GameObject.fromChar('s').getStringSymbol() | "S" | "S" | P | A KEEPER game object generated |
3 | 12/3 | new a object use char 'f' | GameObject.fromChar('f').getStringSymbol() | "W" | "W" | P | A WALL game object generated |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | get the string symbol of objectsGrid point (18, 10) | bjectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(18,10).getStringSymbol() | "S" | "S" | P | The game object at (18, 10) is KEEPER, the string symbol of KEEPER is "S" |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | get the char symbol of objectsGrid point (18, 10) | bjectsGrid.getGameObjectAt(18,10).getCharSymbol() | 'S' | 'S' | P | The game object at (18, 10) is KEEPER, the char symbol of KEEPER is 'S' |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | get the total move count of the playerInfo | playerInfo.getMoveCount() | 50 | 50 | P | The total move count of info is return successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | get the level move count array of the playerInfo | playerInfo.getLevelMoveCount() | {50, 10, 30, 20, 50, 10, 20, 200} | {50, 10, 30, 20, 50, 10, 20, 200} | P | The level move count array of playerInfo is return successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | get the nickName of the playerInfo | playerInfo.getNickName() | "Jack" | "Jack" | P | The NickName of playerInfo is return successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/3 | get the top5 in the ranking.txt and check whether the first player nickname is "pwq" | rankTop5.get(0).getNickName() | "pwq" | "pwq" | P | The ranking.txt file is successfully sorted and get the right nickname |
2 | 12/3 | get the top5 in the ranking.txt and check whether the second player nickname is "Jenny" | rankTop5.get(1).getNickName() | "Jenny" | "Jenny" | P | The ranking.txt file is successfully sorted and get the right nickname |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | set the scene root from animation scene to menu scene, test the scene change. | scene.setRoot(FXMLLoader.load(Main.class.getResource("/FXML/menu.fxml"))) | Root change to menu | Root change to menu | P | SetRoot() method called successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the animation scene and the scene can change to mune scene | clickOn(Main.scene) | The scene change to menu scene | The scene change to menu scene | P | startGame() successfully, the scene root changed to menu.fxml |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Return button and return to the slot scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Return")) | The scene change to slot scene | The scene change to slot scene | P | returnSlot() successfully, the scene root changed to slot.fxml |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Return button and return to the menu scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Return")) | The scene change to menu scene | The scene change to menu scene | P | returnMenu() successfully, the scene root changed to menu.fxml |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Level1 button and jump to the level1 of archive1 | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Btn1")) | The scene change to game scene and it is level1 | The scene change to game scene and it is level1 | P | loadLevel1() successfully, the scene root changed to game.fxml, and level is level1 |
Other loadLevel functions are similar.
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Start button and jump to the slot scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Start")) | The scene change to slot scene | The scene change to slot scene | P | Change to slot scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Setting button and jump to the setting scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Setting")) | The scene change to Setting scene | The scene change to Setting scene | P | Change to Setting scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Rank button and jump to the Rank scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Ranking")) | The scene change to Rank scene | The scene change to Rank scene | P | Change to Rank scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Help button and jump to the Help scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Help")) | The scene change to Help scene | The scene change to Help scene | P | Change to Help scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Return button and jump to the menu scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Return")) | The scene change to menu scene | The scene change to menu scene | P | Change to menu scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Return button and jump to the menu scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Return")) | The scene change to menu scene | The scene change to menu scene | P | Change to menu scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the SoundControl checkbox | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#SoundControl")) | The imgOff becomes visible and the checkbox becomes false | The imgOff becomes visible and the checkbox becomes false | P | Check box click make sense |
2 | 12/4 | Click the SoundControl checkbox, check the SettingController.soundEffect value is false or not | SettingController.soundEffect | false | false | P | The soundEffect value be changed to false |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Return button and jump to the menu scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Return")) | The scene change to menu scene | The scene change to menu scene | P | Change to menu scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Erase button and jump to the erase scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Erase")) | The scene change to erase scene | The scene change to erase scene | P | Change to erase scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Return button and jump to the menu scene | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Return")) | The scene change to menu scene | The scene change to menu scene | P | Change to menu scene successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Play button, check the video is going play | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Play")) | The video starts to play | The video starts to play | P | Play video successfully |
Test Case ID | Date | Test Scenario | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | P/F | Comments |
1 | 12/4 | Click the Stop button, check the video stoped | clickOn(Main.scene.lookup("#Stop")) | The video stoped | The video stoped | P | Stop video successfully |