My collection of useful apps installed on my mac and iPhone
Xcode Main IDE to work with Objective-C and Swift
AppCode IDE that offers smarter way to refactor and write pure code. No xib or storyboards support there.
Android studio allows developing android apps
Sublime text 3 still in beta but has very good editing abilities
Atom a bit buggy editor but has very powerful modular customization and handy markdown editor
TextWrangler it's free and robust. But i prefer Sublime nowadays
Quiver notebook for programmers to easily store code snippets and more
Sketch excellent tool for interoperability between developer and designer
Gif brewery create GIFs from videos. Useful for making short app demos
Hand brake an open source video transcoder
SourceTree a popular GUI to make life with git repositories easier
GitKraken graphically attractive GUI to work with git repositories
Tunnelblick open source GUI for openVPN
Easy APNs provider handy push notifications testing
Commander One two window file manager à la Norton Commander
Magnet small application that gives missing abilities to arrange windows on screen(s)
Timely Time tracker
OmniFocus 2 Powerful GTD organizer
Grafio 3 Create UML diagrams on iPad or even iPhone
OmniGraffle 3 Create schemes and diagrams on iPad
Stack Exchange iOS client for StackOverflow
CodeToGo write small snippets of the code and test them on the go