A modern Android application that helps users save and organize their favorite locations with custom categories and detailed information. Built with Jetpack Compose and Google Maps integration.
- Interactive Google Maps integration
- Multiple map types (Normal, Satellite, Terrain)
- Custom map styles (Light/Dark themes)
- Custom markers for different categories
- Save favorite locations with custom details
- Organize places into categories
- Add personal notes and ratings
- Custom marker colors for different categories
- Filter places by category
- Search through saved locations
- List and map view options
- Easy category management
- 100% Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Material 3 Design
- Google Maps SDK
- Room Database
- MVVM Architecture
- Clean Architecture principles
The app follows Clean Architecture with MVVM pattern:
- Presentation Layer (Compose UI, ViewModels)
- Domain Layer (Use Cases, Models)
- Data Layer (Repository, Local Database)
[Coming soon]
- Android Studio Hedgehog or later
- Minimum SDK 24
- Google Maps API key
- Clone the repository
- Add your Google Maps API key to local.properties: