Various config, .*rc, scripts and lists of packages in my current setup.
- .bashrc
- .pythonrc
- .repl.js (node.js rc)
- .vimrc
- .vim/
- pacman_packages
- snap_packages
- flatpak_packages
- .themes/
- .fonts/
- .icons/
- wallpaper
- auto start scripts
- calculators
- crontab scripts
- macros
- other helpful scripts
- add icons/fonts etc
- some wget script so the repo dosent just steal other ppls work
- figure out flatseal
- so discord can access BD stuff. currently using the GUI app, need cli
- make BD directory before install
- otherwise we have to manually open discord to create the BD files.
- automate flatpak packages installation
- uses Autokey
contains a number of scripts i occasionally/often use. In my current setup, i have set this directory to be part of my $PATH
Scripts run on startup. I use KDE's autostart to run these.
All packages are listed in text files
cd into the packages directory first. atm, flatpak packages cannot be automated. snaps, pacman and apt can be tho
cd packages
for x in $(cat pacman.txt); do pacman -S $x; done
for y in $(cat apt.txt); do apt install $y; done
for z in $(cat snap.txt); do snap install $z; done
I will need to rework the arch install script. for now though, there is some code, although out of date.