Requirements: ModMenu. Spellbook Merge.
- Make all mythic spell books mergeable with any spell book!
- 4th and 6th casters gain extra spell slots:
- The mod overrides Spellbook Merge Mod, making all of its options unavailable lol
- All features are toggleable, and more toggleable than Prestige Plus
- Add lesser animate dead to lich spellbook
- Improve Undead Mount power by adding a CHA bonus to mount equal to mythic rank
- Add a mythic power option to turn a companion's animal companion into undead template
- Add a passive perk at MR5 to use CON or CHA (whichever is highest) for fort and hp modifiers
- Increase Bolt of Justice to 7th level
- Increase Storm of Justice to 9th level
- Wrath of the Righteous is now 8th level and affects evil demons only (Arue <3)
- Add Improved Angelic Halo - Divine Champion: While Angelic Halo is active energy damage is converted into holy damage
- Add Improved Angelic Halo - Flames of Heaven: While Angelic Halo is active energy damage is converted into fire damage
- Azata is now a full caster!
- New Superpower - Harmonious Echo: Azata may start a second performance while maintaining another.
- New Spell - Group Hug: This spell functions as friendly hug, except that it affects all allies in the area.
- New Spell - Elysium Choir: When you sing all of Elysium joins with you. You use every performance ability you know. Those with a duration last for the duration of the spell (1 min), these benefits do not use up your daily usage of performance abilities.
- New Spell - Primordial Dragon Dance: The primordial power of Elysium flows through you blasting your enemies and rendering them vulnerable to your elemental power. Choose an element (fire, cold, lightning, acid or sonic) when you cast the spell, the spell leaps from target to target in the same way as chain lightning inflicting 1d6 damage of the chosen element per caster level. The target also gains vulnerability to the selected element for 1 minute, succeeding in a saving throw halves the damage but does not prevent the vulnerability effect.
- Aeon is now a full caster!
- New Spell - Edict of Total Nullification: The aeon and his agents are protected from all harm by the will of the cosmos. The Aeon and all allies within a 20 foot radius gain the benefits of the Protection From Energy, Communal spell with the exception that it applies to any and all damage types, absorbs 10 per caster level and has separate damage pools. The damage types affected are physical, fire, cold, acid, lightning, sonic, positive, negative, holy, unholy and divine.
- New Spell - Edict of Absolute Authority: The natural order of the universe is absolute, and thus so is your authority. As a swift action you cause all enemies within a 30 foot radius to suffer the effects of the Edict of Retaliation and Edict of Nonresistance spells (saving separately for each).
- New Spell - Temporal Interdiction: The heart of the Aeon's power is their mastery over space and time. The most awesome of these powers is the ability to literally freeze time for a short period for all but themselves. For 1 round the Aeon gains the ability to cast up to three spells as a free action.
- Demon is now a full caster!
- New Spell - Blind Fury: Targets in the area must pass a willpower saving throw or suffer the effects of the rage spell and the blindness condition. In addition those who fail their saving throw lose the benefits of true seeing, blind fighting or any other effect that allows them to ignore or reroll the miss chance caused by concealment.
- New Spell - Abyssal Breach: Tearing a hole through Golarion's dimensional fabric you create a gateway for some of the most powerful denizens of the abyss to come to your aid. Each round a random demon appears and will fight on your side for 1 minute. The demon summoned each round is random with a CR between 13 and 25.
- New Spell - Demonic Form V: Your mastery over demonic forms has reached an unparalleled level. Harnessing the power of the abyss you can transform into a Primeval Retriever, an ancient and unique hunter of the abyss that preyed upon even the most powerful of demons that trespassed into it's territory. This creature inspired such fear in all demon kind that it inspired the demon lords to fashion their retriever constructs in its image. The Primeval Retriever can cast disintegration as a swift action at will using your caster level for damage, a vicious bite that grapples it's prey and chitinous legs harder than adamantine.
- Trickster is now a full caster!
- New Spell - Hall of Mirrors: The best tricks are all down to smoke and mirrors, you have leveraged this fact to trick the enemy's senses into believing there are far more of you and your companions than is otherwise possible. For the duration of the spell you and all allies within 30 feet of you are affected by the mirror image spell with the exception that the images refresh every round.
- New Spell - Rain of Halberdiers: Conjuring halberds to rain from the sky is all well and good, but what's the point of having all these halberds without someone to wield them? This spell functions as Rain of Halberds with the exception that it summons one grave knight (as per the create undead spell) per four caster levels for the duration of the spell.
- New Spell - Trick Developer: You came to the realisation long ago that life is just a game, and if so then that means someone had to have designed that game. There is no one you cannot trick and you use this to tap into potential you otherwise wouldn't (and shouldn't) have. Choose one of the following 10th level mythic spells (Army of Heaven, Absolute Death, Abyssal Breach, Edict of Absolute Authority or Elysium Choir), you cast that spell.
- New Spell - ‘Helpful’ Metagamer: Every group of friends has someone who ‘knows better’ and has no problem with sharing their superior knowledge with their companions regardless of whether or not it has been asked for, congratulations for being THAT guy. For 1 minute while within a 30ft radius of the trickster all allies gain Sneaky Quack, ignore critical hit and precision damage immunity and gain sneak attack dice equal to the trickster's if it's not already higher. When the spell ends all allies become exhausted for 1 minute due to the constant frustrating ’suggestions‘ from the trickster.
- WittleWolfie for his Blueprint-Core, which makes modding easy and enjoyable.
- Bubbles (factsubio) for BubblePrints, saving me from going mad.
- vikigenius for Spellbook Merge!
- All the Owlcat modders who came before me, wrote documents, and open sourced their code.
- Pathfinder Wrath of The Righteous Discord channel members.
- Join our Discord