A plugin for MkDocs, the static site generator, which creates RSS 2.0 and JSON Feed 1.1 feeds using the creation and modification dates from git log and page metadata (YAML frontmatter).
pip install mkdocs-rss-plugin
Minimal mkdocs.yml
site_description: required. Used as feed mandatory channel description.
site_name: required. Used as feed mandatory channel title and items source URL label.
site_url: required. Used to build feed items URLs.
Minimal plugin option:
- rss
Full options:
- rss:
abstract_chars_count: 160 # -1 for full content
abstract_delimiter: <!-- more -->
- tags
comments_path: "#__comments"
as_creation: "date"
as_update: false
datetime_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
default_timezone: Europe/Paris
default_time: "09:30"
enabled: true
feed_ttl: 1440
image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/43/Feed-icon.svg/128px-Feed-icon.svg.png
json_feed_enabled: true
length: 20
match_path: ".*"
pretty_print: false
rss_feed_enabled: true
utm_source: "documentation"
utm_medium: "RSS"
utm_campaign: "feed-syndication"
use_git: true
use_material_social_cards: true
For further information, see the user documentation.
Following initiative from the author of Material for MkDocs, this plugin provides its own JSON schema to validate configuration: source - documentation.
Clone the repository:
# install development dependencies
python -m pip install -U -r requirements/development.txt
# alternatively: pip install -e .[dev]
# install project as editable
python -m pip install -e .
# install git hooks
pre-commit install
Then follow the contribution guidelines.
# install development dependencies
python -m pip install -U -r requirements/testing.txt
# alternatively: pip install -e .[test]
# run tests
# install dependencies for documentation
python -m pip install -U -r requirements/documentation.txt
# alternatively: pip install -e .[doc]
# build the documentation
mkdocs build
- Fill the
- Change the version number in
- Apply a git tag with the relevant version:
git tag -a 0.3.0 {git commit hash} -m "New awesome feature"
- Push tag to main branch:
git push origin 0.3.0