Tiny "Pong" project I worked on back in my student days to have fun with C++.
I'm actually surprised the code isn't as terrible as I would have expected, looking at it after so many years 😝
All image resources have been created using GIMP.
The font was found here : https://www.dafont.com/zenzai-itacha.font
- SDL_image
- SDL_ttf
Left Player | Right Player | |
e | <= Move up => | Up arrow |
d | <= Move down => | Down arrow |
Space | <= Serve => | 5 (Numpad) |
- Take account of elapsed time between frames (c.f. Ball.move() & Racket.move())
- Add a fallible IA (i.e. which doesn't simply follow the ball, but interact with its racket using accelerateUp() & accelerateDown(), as a human would)
- Handle a simple menu
- Play with 3/4 players (i.e. Rackets on the top and bottom of the screen)