Automated deployment with Vagrant and Ansible of a data visualization app.
Automagie :
- Vagrant
Pluggin :
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Ansible
- Virtualbox
Automated Backend :
- mysql with geerlingguy.mysql
Frontend :
- Python3
- Django and his dependencies
- djang-bootstrap
- pip
- Some pip libraries
- facturesoft-frontend
- Open a command-line interface into the WebbApp folder located into the Vagrant folder.
- Type "vagrant up"
- Wait for Vagrant and Ansible to do their job
- Browse localhost:8080/app/ to access the application
- Go in the Vagrant/WebApp folder to access to your WebApp for developpment
Vagrant is responsible to provision the required ressource and his network configuration, and call Ansible to manage the configuration of the ressource Specs :
- Debian 64bits
- Portforwarding on 1321 (backend) and 8080 (frontend)
- ssh enable, possible to ssh into the machine with the command vagrant ssh
Ansible is responsible to manage the configuration of the allocated ressource. Ansible will do the following:
- Install and configure MySQL
- Install Python3 and Django
- Set up the dependency for the WebApp
- Create the WebApp project and the application
- Configure the webapp for Bootstrap, MySQL
- Use ansibe-local plugin to remove dependencie to Ansible