Package | broccoli-imagemin |
Description | Use imagemin in your broccoli build pipeline |
More information about the image minifier, imagemin can be found at Whereas information about Broccoli which is the building asset pipeline this is for can be found at
Example from the included test Brocfile.js
'use strict';
// Require imagemin so it can minify your images
var imagemin = require('./index');
// Make a tree using a string that points to the image directory
var imageTree = 'test/images';
// Create some options to pass into imagemin when minifying your images
var options = {
interlaced: true,
optimizationLevel: 3,
progressive: true,
lossyPNG: false
// Minify the images.
imageTree = imagemin(imageTree, options);
// Export the tree which is now holds the optimised images.
module.exports = imageTree;
> npm install -g broccoli-cli
> npm install -g mocha
> npm test
> npm install -g broccoli-cli
> npm install -g mocha
> broccoli build temp
> mocha