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Integrated and Modular Pipeline for Antibody Repertoire Simulation


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IMPlAntS (Integrated and Modular Pipeline for Antibody Repertoire Simulation) simulates antibody heavy chain repertoire sequencing dataset according to serveral key features learned from a collection of 2152 high-quality Ig-seq dataset (refer to These features consist of germline gene usage, junctional modification, positional-specific somatic hypermutation and clonal expansion.

Table of contents


IMPlAntS is totally developped based on Python. The pipeline was tested successfully with both Python 2.7.14 and Python 3.7.4. Besides, two additional modules, pandas and Bio, are required and they can be installed using pip on the commandline (e.g. pip install pandas biopython).


In Linux OS, users can add the main directory into the environment variable, PATH, to enable free calling IMPlAntS utilities. The following is an example.

export PATH=/path/to/IMPlAntS:$PATH
chmod +x implants ramsim shmsim ngssim repsim art_illumina

Schematic diagram


Simulation pipeline

The simulation pipeline can be implemented either collectively or separately using corresponding IMPlAantS' subcommands.

.___    _____  __________ .__      _____            __    _________
|   |  /     \ \______   \|  |    /  _  \    ____ _/  |_ /   _____/
|   | /  \ /  \ |     ___/|  |   /  /_\  \  /    \\   __\\_____  \ 
|   |/    Y    \|    |    |  |__/    |    \|   |  \|  |  /        \
|___|\____|__  /|____|    |____/\____|__  /|___|  /|__| /_______  /
             \/                         \/      \/              \/ 
IMPlAnts (Integrated and Modular Pipeline for Antibody Repertoire 
Simulation) simulates antibody heavy chain repertoire sequencing dataset 
according to serveral key features learned from a collection of 2152 
high-quality Ig-seq dataset.

    ramsim    Simulate independent rearranged V(D)J sequences
    shmsim    Simulate clonally expanded sequences with phylogenetic SHMs
    ngssim    Simulate NGS reads via ART
    repsim    De novel simulate antibody heavy chain repertoire dataset

    -h        Print this message

One-stop simulation

You can use IMPlAntS to simulate antibody repertoire sequencing dataset simply via a single subcommand, repsim. All key parameters are set by default, so you can test this pipeline without specifying any parameter by executing the following command,

implants repsim

To customize one or more parameters involved in the pipeline, user can refer to help message by invoking implants repsim -h. This will show the following information,

usage: repsim [-h] [-vu V_USAGE_FILE] [-du D_USAGE_FILE] [-ju J_USAGE_FILE]
              [-vr V_REFERENCE] [-dr D_REFERENCE] [-jr J_REFERENCE] [-v3d V3D]
              [-d5d D5D] [-d3d D3D] [-j5d J5D] [-v3p V3P] [-d5p D5P]
              [-d3p D3P] [-j5p J5P] [-n1 N1] [-n2 N2] [-v3Odd V3ODD]
              [-d5Odd D5ODD] [-d3Odd D3ODD] [-j5Odd J5ODD]
              [-n N_REARRANGEMENTS] [-pp PCT_PROD] [-m MUT] [-p SUB]
              [-f MUT_ABILITY_FOLD] [-T TIMES] [-pr PROPORTION] [-ns NSEQS]
              [-a ALPHA] [-t TOPNUM] [-ne NMAX] [-art ART_PATH] [-d DIR]
              [-s SEED] [-or OUTPUTR] [-os OUTPUTS] [-oc OUTPUTC]
              [-b BASENAME]

repsim de novo simulates antibody heavy chain repertoire dataset.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vu V_USAGE_FILE, --v_usage_file V_USAGE_FILE
                        Path to V allele usage statistics
  -du D_USAGE_FILE, --d_usage_file D_USAGE_FILE
                        Path to D allele usage statistics
  -ju J_USAGE_FILE, --j_usage_file J_USAGE_FILE
                        Path to J allele usage statistics
  -vr V_REFERENCE, --v_reference V_REFERENCE
                        Path to V allele reference sequence
  -dr D_REFERENCE, --d_reference D_REFERENCE
                        Path to D allele reference sequence
  -jr J_REFERENCE, --j_reference J_REFERENCE
                        Path to J allele reference sequence
  -v3d V3D, --V3D V3D   Path to junctional modification v3d statistics
  -d5d D5D, --D5D D5D   Path to junctional modification d5d statistics
  -d3d D3D, --D3D D3D   Path to junctional modification d3d statistics
  -j5d J5D, --J5D J5D   Path to junctional modification j5d statistics
  -v3p V3P, --V3P V3P   Path to junctional modification v3d statistics
  -d5p D5P, --D5P D5P   Path to junctional modification d5d statistics
  -d3p D3P, --D3P D3P   Path to junctional modification d3d statistics
  -j5p J5P, --J5P J5P   Path to junctional modification j5d statistics
  -n1 N1, --N1 N1       Path to junctional modification d3d statistics
  -n2 N2, --N2 N2       Path to junctional modification j5d statistics
  -v3Odd V3ODD, --V3ODD V3ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in V3
  -d5Odd D5ODD, --D5ODD D5ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in D5
  -d3Odd D3ODD, --D3ODD D3ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in D3
  -j5Odd J5ODD, --J5ODD J5ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in J5
                        Number of independent rearrangements to be simulated
  -pp PCT_PROD, --pct_prod PCT_PROD
                        Percentage of productive rearrangements
  -m MUT, --mut MUT     Path to mutability model
  -p SUB, --sub SUB     Path to substitution model directory
  -f MUT_ABILITY_FOLD, --mut_ability_fold MUT_ABILITY_FOLD
                        Fold of mutability
  -T TIMES, --times TIMES
                        Evolution times
  -pr PROPORTION, --proportion PROPORTION
                        Proportion of sequences that undergo SHM in each
  -ns NSEQS, --nseqs NSEQS
                        Maximum number of sequences after shm simulation
  -a ALPHA, --alpha ALPHA
                        The alpha value of power law
  -t TOPNUM, --topnum TOPNUM
                        The number of top clone
  -ne NMAX, --nmax NMAX
                        The maximum number of clonally expanded sequences. If
                        the number of output sequences exceeds this number,
                        this script will automatically exit.
  -art ART_PATH, --art_path ART_PATH
                        Path to ART executable
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Path to the output directory
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed used for generating random values
  -or OUTPUTR, --outputr OUTPUTR
                        Output fasta file of independent rearranged sequences
  -os OUTPUTS, --outputs OUTPUTS
                        Output fasta file of unique sequences after SHM
  -oc OUTPUTC, --outputc OUTPUTC
                        Output fasta file of clonally expanded sequences
  -b BASENAME, --basename BASENAME
                        Basename for output ngs reads file

Modular simulation

One can also simulate antibody repertoire sequencing dataset step-by-step. As is shown in the schematic diagram, the simulation pipeline consists of three consecutive steps.

Individual rearrangement simulation

The first step is the individual rearrangement simulation. Similar to repsim subcommand mentioned above, you can implement this step simply through implant ramsim. All optional parameters can be found by invoking implant ramsim -h.

usage: ramsim [-h] [-vu V_USAGE_FILE] [-du D_USAGE_FILE] [-ju J_USAGE_FILE]
              [-vr V_REFERENCE] [-dr D_REFERENCE] [-jr J_REFERENCE] [-v3d V3D]
              [-d5d D5D] [-d3d D3D] [-j5d J5D] [-v3p V3P] [-d5p D5P]
              [-d3p D3P] [-j5p J5P] [-n1 N1] [-n2 N2] [-v3Odd V3ODD]
              [-d5Odd D5ODD] [-d3Odd D3ODD] [-j5Odd J5ODD]
              [-n N_REARRANGEMENTS] [-pp PCT_PROD] [-d DIR] [-o OUTPUT]
              [-s SEED]

ramsim simulates independent rearranged V(D)J sequences

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vu V_USAGE_FILE, --v_usage_file V_USAGE_FILE
                        Path to V allele usage statistics
  -du D_USAGE_FILE, --d_usage_file D_USAGE_FILE
                        Path to D allele usage statistics
  -ju J_USAGE_FILE, --j_usage_file J_USAGE_FILE
                        Path to J allele usage statistics
  -vr V_REFERENCE, --v_reference V_REFERENCE
                        Path to V allele reference sequence
  -dr D_REFERENCE, --d_reference D_REFERENCE
                        Path to D allele reference sequence
  -jr J_REFERENCE, --j_reference J_REFERENCE
                        Path to J allele reference sequence
  -v3d V3D, --V3D V3D   Path to junctional modification v3d statistics
  -d5d D5D, --D5D D5D   Path to junctional modification d5d statistics
  -d3d D3D, --D3D D3D   Path to junctional modification d3d statistics
  -j5d J5D, --J5D J5D   Path to junctional modification j5d statistics
  -v3p V3P, --V3P V3P   Path to junctional modification v3d statistics
  -d5p D5P, --D5P D5P   Path to junctional modification d5d statistics
  -d3p D3P, --D3P D3P   Path to junctional modification d3d statistics
  -j5p J5P, --J5P J5P   Path to junctional modification j5d statistics
  -n1 N1, --N1 N1       Path to junctional modification d3d statistics
  -n2 N2, --N2 N2       Path to junctional modification j5d statistics
  -v3Odd V3ODD, --V3ODD V3ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in V3
  -d5Odd D5ODD, --D5ODD D5ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in D5
  -d3Odd D3ODD, --D3ODD D3ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in D3
  -j5Odd J5ODD, --J5ODD J5ODD
                        Ratio of deletion events in J5
                        Number of independent rearrangements to be simulated
  -pp PCT_PROD, --pct_prod PCT_PROD
                        Percentage of productive rearrangements
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Path to the output directory
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output fasta file of independent rearranged sequences
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed used for generating random values

The following schematic provides the semantic content of the description line for each rearranged sequence semantic

SHM and clonal expansion simulation

The second step is the individual rearrangement simulation. You can implement this step simply through implant shmsim. All optional parameters can be found by invoking implant shmsim -h.

usage: shmsim [-h] [-m MUT] [-p SUB] [-f MUT_ABILITY_FOLD] [-T TIMES]
              [-pr PROPORTION] [-ns NSEQS] [-os OUTPUTS] [-a ALPHA]
              [-t TOPNUM] [-ne NMAX] [-oc OUTPUTC] [-i INPUT] [-d DIR]
              [-s SEED]

shmsim simuates clonally expanded sequences with phylogenetical SHM structure

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MUT, --mut MUT     Path to mutability model
  -p SUB, --sub SUB     Path to substitution model directory
  -f MUT_ABILITY_FOLD, --mut_ability_fold MUT_ABILITY_FOLD
                        Fold of mutability
  -T TIMES, --times TIMES
                        Evolution times
  -pr PROPORTION, --proportion PROPORTION
                        Proportion of sequences that undergo SHM in each
  -ns NSEQS, --nseqs NSEQS
                        Maximum number of sequences after shm simulation
  -os OUTPUTS, --outputs OUTPUTS
                        Output fasta file of unique sequences after SHM
  -a ALPHA, --alpha ALPHA
                        The alpha value of power law
  -t TOPNUM, --topnum TOPNUM
                        The number of top clone
  -ne NMAX, --nmax NMAX
                        The maximum number of clonally expanded sequences. If
                        the number of output sequences exceeds this number,
                        this script will automatically exit.
  -oc OUTPUTC, --outputc OUTPUTC
                        Output fasta file of clonally expanded sequences
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Path to raw rearranged sequences
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Path to output directory
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed used for generating random value

Next generation sequencing simulation

The last step is the next generation sequencing simulation. You can implement this step simply through implant ngssim. All optional parameters can be found by invoking implant ngssim -h.

usage: ngssim [-h] [-art ART_PATH] [-i INPUT] [-d DIR] [-b BASENAME] [-s SEED]

ngssim simulates next generation sequencing reads via ART

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -art ART_PATH, --art_path ART_PATH
                        Path to ART executable
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Path to input fasta file
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Path to output directory
  -b BASENAME, --basename BASENAME
                        basename for output
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed used for generating random value


If you have any questions related to IMPlAntS, please contact the authors through the following emails ([email protected], [email protected]).


Integrated and Modular Pipeline for Antibody Repertoire Simulation







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