Welcome to my GitHub repository showcasing the projects I worked on during my first semester with a group. Here's a brief overview of each project:
The Sudoku Solver project is a Python program that can solve Sudoku puzzles. It was created as part of my first-year programming coursework. The program has some unsolved Sudoku puzzles and uses backtracking to find a solution (an easy modification could make it have input, we choose it this way so we won't lose time while interpreting our code when presenting the project).
- Project Files: sudoku_solver.py
- Usage: Run the script and follow instructions.
To see the Sudoku Solver in action, you can run the following command:
python sudoku_solver.py
The Connect 4 Game is a project implemented in C. This project was also part of my first-year programming part-work. The game allows two players to take turns placing their colored tokens(1 and 2 in my code) on a grid, with the goal of connecting four tokens in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
- Project Files: connect_4.c
- Usage: Compile and run the C program, and follow on-screen instructions to play the game.
To experience the Connect 4 Game, you can compile and run the program using the following commands:
gcc connect_4.c -o connect_4
Note: The Connect 4 Game code is structured into a main function and a header file to enhance modularity and organization.
Please be aware that this project focuses on a text-based interface, and there is no graphical user interface (GUI) in the implementation.