RO-MAP consists of two parts, including an object SLAM based on ORB-SLAM2 and a Multi-Object NeRF system based on tiny-cuda-nn. The two are decoupled, and the multi-object NeRF system is compiled into a dynamic link library, which provides interfaces for offline and online operation. Its code is located at:
This repo is GPLv3 Licensed (inherit ORB-SLAM2). The Multi-Object NeRF system based on tiny-cuda-nn (BSD 3-clause license). Our implementation refers to instant-ngp (Nvidia Source Code License-NC) and uses its marching cubes algorithm directly.
Our prerequisites include ORB-SLAM2 and tiny-cuda-nn requirements. If you encounter compilation problems, please refer to their issues first.
Eigen3 (test version: 3.4.0)
OpenCV (test version: 3.4.16)
Pangolin (test version: 0.8)
CMake (test version: 3.25)
CUDA (test version: 11.8)
Test system: ubuntu (docker) 20.04, GPU: RTX 4090
Begin by cloning this repository and all its submodules using the following command:
git clone --recursive
Then, build the multi-object NeRF system:
cd dependencies/Multi-Object-NeRF
Finally, return to the main path and build RO-MAP:
cd ../../
We provide the dataset used in our paper.
- synthetic sequence room (including blender files, which come from the Cube Diorama Dataset).
- two collected real-world sequences scene1, scene2.
Please note that due to experimental conditions, the real-world sequences cannot be used for quantitative analysis.
The offline version is only available to the synthetic sequence. It is recommended to verify the offline version first.
cd dependencies/Multi-Object-NeRF
# Specify which GPU to use (one or two are recommended)
# Since the visualization is implemented using OpenGL, set the environment variable to make it run on the GPU.
__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia ./build/OfflineNeRF ./Core/configs/base.json [path_to_sequence] [Use_GTdepth(0 or 1)]
Execute the following command:
# Specify which GPU to use (one or two are recommended)
# Since the visualization is implemented using OpenGL, set the environment variable to make it run on the GPU.
__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia ./examples/Monocular/mono_tum ./vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin ./dependencies/Multi-Object-NeRF/Core/configs/base.json [path_to_sequence]
If the GPU performance is relatively low, you can try to reduce the number of iterations:
path_to_sequence/config.yaml -> NeRF.TrainStepIterations : 500 ↓
Note: Due to the randomness of the multi-threading and outlier removal algorithm, sometimes the estimated 3D bounding box of objects may deviate significantly. You can run it several times.
We thank Jad Abou-Chakra for his support on the dataset. Many thanks to the following brilliant works!
NeRF: instant-ngp, ngp_pl
If you found this code/work to be useful in your own research, please considering citing the following:
author={Han, Xiao and Liu, Houxuan and Ding, Yunchao and Yang, Lu},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={RO-MAP: Real-Time Multi-Object Mapping With Neural Radiance Fields},