To run the script simply type the following commands into your VPS terminal.
wget && chmod 755 && ./
1,000 XUEZ
Main Computer with XUEZ wallet installed
Masternode Server
Unique IP address for EACH masternode
Step 1) Download, install and sync your Xuez wallet Download link for all Operating systems:
Step 2) Using your main wallet, enter the debug console and type the following command:
masternode genkey
Please save this on a Notepad
Step 3) Using your main wallet, enter the debug console and type the following command:
getaccountaddress INSERT_MASTERNODE_NAME
Please save this on a Notepad
Step 4) Send 1,000 XUEZ to Step 3 address.
Step 5) Using your main wallet, wait for 15 confirmations, and then enter the debug console and type the following command:
masternode outputs
- Please save this on a Notepad
Step 6) Locate your masternode.conf and add the following line:
Note: Substitute it with your own values and without the “<>”s
Example: MN1 892WPpkqbr7sr6Si4fdsfssjjapuFzAXwETCrpPJubnrmU6aKzh c8f4965ea57a68d0e6dd384324dfd28cfbe0c801015b973e7331db8ce018716999 1
Step 1 - Find the node onion address
Command: ./xuez-cli getnetworkinfo
Look for the TOR address at the end of the output (EG. aedFAWE235AGa2.onion)
Step 2 - Edit your LOCAL (Not VPS) masternode.conf by replacing the old IP address with the new .onion TOR address.
Step 3 - Restart the local wallet Windows, Max and Linux GUI; Close and open your wallet
Linux CLI:
Command: ./xuez-cli stop
then: ./xuezd -reindex
Step 4 - Issue the start command for the masternode in the LOCAL (Not VPS) wallet debug console.
For example: startmasternode alias 0 MN01
Note: Where by MN01 is your chosen Masternode name Wait a few minutes for the MN ip address to change to the onion address in the masternode tab.
Step 5 - Restart the wallet on the VPS with the following commands.
Command: ./xuez-cli stop
then: ./xuezd -reindex
Step 6 - Issue the start command for the masternode in the LOCAL wallet debug console AGAIN. ie follow step 4 again.
Step 7 - Wait up to 30 minutes for the MN timer to change from 00:00 to a postive time in the masternode tab.
Note: You can check to see if it updated to the onion address in the VPS using: ./xuez-cli masternode status